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Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Date: October 10, 1601
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/1682, membr. 11
View online bibliographic record
Alan H. Nelson, "Updated deed of transfer of the Globe and other properties from Nicholas Brend to Sir Matthew Brown and John Collett, listing William Shakespeare," Shakespeare Documented,
The National Archives, C 54/1682. See Shakespeare Documented,
Dated October 10, 1601, this is the second of five enrolled indentures of bargain and sale for the Globe site, naming William Shakespeare as a leasee. The Globe playhouse was first built in 1599 on land leased from Sir Nicholas Brend. Though the lease of February 19, 1599 has not survived, it is referenced in nearly a dozen legal documents, including the five indentures: two from 1601 (October 7 and October 10) and one each from 1608, 1622, and 1624. Though the originals are lost, their full texts are enrolled in the C 54 series of Close Rolls now held at The National Archives.
This second indenture is wide-ranging, covering properties in the parish of All Hallows, Breadstreet, London, including a public house called the Star; and on Maid Lane, Southwark, including the “playhouse.” Here, properties in Bread Street, London, and Maid Lane, Southwark, are sold by Nicholas Brend to Mathewe Browne and John Collett. As in the first indenture, Richard Burbage and Shakespeare are named as leasees of the playhouse in Maid Lane.
While the “playhouse” is not given a name in this indenture, its association with “Richard Burbage and William Shakespeare, gentlemen” is sufficient to identify the playhouse as the Globe. In the fifth indenture (1624), the property is positively identified as “the Playhowse comonly called or knowne by the name of the Globe.”
[Transcription by Alan H. Nelson. This transcription is pending final vetting.]
[Image 1: membr. 11]
[Left margin:] Brend et Browne et al
This Indenture made the tenth daye of October 1601 & in the three and fortith yere of the raigne of our
soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England ffraunce and Ireland defendor of the
faith &c Betweene Nicholas Brend of the parishe of West Mowsley in the Countie of Surrey Esquier on
thone partie and Sir Mathewe Browne of the Castle of West Betchworth in the said Countye of
Surrey knighte and John Collett Citizen and Marchanttailor of London on thother partie witnessethe
that the said Nicholas Brend aswell for and in Consideracion of certeine competent sommes of
lawfull money of England to him the said Nicholas Brend in hand before thensealing and deliuerye of
these presentes by the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett trulye paid whereof and wherewith
the said Nicholas acknowledgeth himself fullye and trulye payd and satisfied and thereof and of
everie parte and parcell therof doth clerelye acquite and discharge the said Sir Mathewe Browne and
John Collett and eyther of them their and either of their heires executors and assignes and everie of
them for ever by these presentes As alsoe for and vppon dyvers other good and lawfull causes & reasonable
Consideracions him the said Nicholas Brend herevnto speciallye moving hath graunted bargained
sould alyened and confirmed and by these presentes doth fullye clerelye and absolutlye graunte bargaine
sell alyene and confirme vnto the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and
assignes for ever all that Messuage or Inne with thappurtenaunces whatsoever commonlye called or
knowne by the name or signe of the Starre scituat lying or being in or neere Breadstreete
in the parishe of Alhallowes in Breadstreete within the Citye of London late in the tenure or
occupacion of John Dunscombe deceased or his assignes and nowe or late in the tenure or occupacion
of Peter Jefferyes or his assignes and all and singuler yardes backsides halles chambers stables
heyloftes roomes lightes easementes watercourses commodities & hereditamentes whatsoever to the
said messuage or Inne belonging or in anye wise apperteynyng or nowe or att anye tyme
heretofore accepted reputed taken knowne letten ^or occupied as parte or parcell of the said messuage
or Inne or as thervnto apperteyning or belonging and alsoe all & singuler warehowses roomes
yardes void groundes & hereditamentes whatsoever of him the said Nicholas Brend in the said parrishe
of Alhallowes in Breadstreete aforesaid nowe or late in the tenure or occupacion of Johan [=Joan]
Dunscombe widowe late the wife of the said John Dunscombe deceased. And all those two
messuages or tenementes with theire appurtenaunces scituat lying & beinge togeathers [sic] in Breadstreete
aforesaid in the said parishe of Alhallowes in Breadstreete London on the south side of the gate
roome or waye leadinge out of Breadstreete aforesaid into the said messuage or Inne called the Starr
and all other the landes tenementes & heredytamentes whatsoever nowe or late of the said Nicholas Brend
scituate lyinge and beinge in the said parishe of Alhallowes in Breadstrete aforesaid in the said Cittye
of London And alsoe all those messuages tenementes howses edifices buildinges chambers roomes playhowse gardens
orchardes void roomes & other landes & hereditamentes whatsoever with all & singuler their appurtenances
nowe or late in the severall tenures or occupacions of ffrauncis Carter tanner John Ouldfeild tanner
Hughe Tucker waterman, John Kene dyer, Henry Draper beerbrewer Averye Butcher waterman Hendrick
Sturman armorer Nicholas Zetchwell baker John Treherne gent’ Georg Archer porter Laurence
Bushe draper John Johnson taylor John Knolles Abraham Campion bearebrewer Richard Burbage
and William Shakspeare gentlemen John Bingham sadler and Robert Bromfeild gent’ and everie
or of any of them their and everie or any of their assigne or assignes or in the tenure manuraunce houlding
or occupacion of any other personne or personnes scituate lyinge and beinge in Maiden Lane in the parishe
of Sainte Savyor alias Sancte Mary Overies in Southwarke in the said Countie of Surrey and all
other the Messuages landes tenementes and heredytamentes whatsoever nowe or late of the said Nicholas
Brend scituate lyinge and beinge in the said parishe of Saint Savior alias Sainte Mary Overies in
Southwarke aforesaid in the said Countye of Surrey. And the revercion and revercions remainder and
remaynders whatsoever of the said messuages landes and heredytamentes and other the premisses and of every
of them and of everie parte and parcell thereof and all yerelie rentes and other profittes and payments and
sommes of money whatsoever reserved or payable or covenaunted to be payd in vppon or by force of
any demise lease or graunte leases or grauntes made or graunted of the said premisses and of everye
or any of them or any parte or parcell thereof. Togeather with all and singuler deedes evidences chartres
escriptes fynes exemplifiacions Counterpartes of leases writinges and mynymentes whatsoever concerninge
onelye the said premisses or any of them or onelye anye parte or partes thereof All which togeather
with the true coppyes of all such other deedes wrytinges and mynumentes whatsoever which the saide
Nicholas Brend or any other to his vse or by his delyverie nowe have or hath or att any tyme had
concerning the said premisses or any of them or any part or partes thereof amongest any other landes or
heredytamentes he the said Nicholas Brend for himself his heires executors and adtrators covenanteth
and graunteth by these presentes to and with the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett theire
heires and assignes trulye and safelie to delyver or cause to be delyvered to the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett their heires or assignes whole vncancelled and vndefaced att or before the Twentithe
daye of Maye next ensewinge the date of these presentes without fraude or further delaye. To have
houlde and enioye the said messuage or Inne called or knowne by the name or signe of the Starre
and all and everie other the said Messuagees tenementes bowses [for howses] edifices playehowse yardes gardens orchardes
landes heredytamentes and all other the premisses by these presentes bargained and sould or herein mencioned or
meante to be hereby bargained and sould and everie parte and parcell thereof vnto the said Sir Mathewe
Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes to and for the sole and proper vse and behoofe of the said
Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett and of their heires and assignes for ever absolutlye without anye
condicion or revocacion. And the said Nicholas Brend for him his heires executors and admynistrators and for
everie of them doth covenaunte and graunte to and with the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett
and eyther of them their and eyther of their heires and assignes by these presentes in manner and forme
followinge that is to saye that notwithstanding anye acte or actes to the contraries thereof heretofore
made donne or commytted or willinglye suffred by the said Nicholas Brend and Thomas Brend
deceased father of the said Nicholas or by either of them or hereafter to be made donne commytted or
willinglye suffred by the said Nicholas Brend he the said Nicholas Brend att thensealinge and
delyverie of these presentes ys and vntill the tyme that thestate by conveyance or assurance of the
premisses herevppon or by vertue hereof firste shalbe made executed and vested to and in the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett and their heires shall stand and be lawefullye rightfullie and solelye seized in
his demeasne as of fee and in all and singuler the said messuages tenementes howses buildinges yardes gardens
orchardes void groundes heredytamentes and all other the premisses by these presentes bargained and sould or herein
mencioned or meante to be hereby bargained and sould and of everie part and parcell thereof a good
lawfull sole rightfull and indefeazible estate in the lawe in fee simple to and for the onelye vse and
behoofe of the said Nicholas Brend and of his heires and assignes for ever absolutlye without anye
manner of condicion lymittacion of vse or vses or other matter or thinge whatsoever to alter determyne or
defeate the same estate and nowe hath and then shall have in himself in his owne righte full power
good righte and lawfull intereste and abylitie to graunte bargaine sell conveye and assure all the said
premisses and everie part and parcell thereof to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires
and assignes for ever in manner and forme aforesaid. And alsoe that the said messuagees tenementes howses
buildinges yardes gardens void groundes landes heredytamentes and all other the premisses by these presentes bargained
and sould or herein mencioned or meante to be hereby bargained and sould and everie parte and parcell thereof
att thensealing and delyverie of these presentes are and be and soe from henceforth for ever shall or maye
contynue and be to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett theire heires and assignes not onely
free and clere and freelye and clerelye acquited exonerated and discharged of and from all and singuler
bargaines sales guiftes grauntes leases mortgates statutes recognizaunces Iudgementes Extentes Execucions
fynes feoffamanetes vses intayles anuyties and rentes charge [sic] whatsoever made donne commytted knowledged
or willinglye or wittinglie suffred by the said Nicholas Brend and Thomas Brend or either of them
or hereafter to be made donne ^or commytted or wittinglie or willinglye suffred by the said Nicholas his
heires or assignes excepte onelye as ys herevnder in these presentes excepted but alsoe shalbe from tyme to
tyme and at all tymes hereafter for ever well and sufficientlye saved and kept harmeles by the said
Nicholas his heires executors or admynistrators of and from all and singuler Iointures dowers & other
charges estates titles troubles and incumbraunces whatsoever had made commytted donne caused procured or
suffred or to be had made donne caused procured or suffred by the same Nicholas and Thomas Brend or
eyther of them or the heires or asignes of eyther of them or by anie other personne or personnes by or through
their or any of their act meanes estate righte tytle or intereste excepte as herevnder in these presentes
ys excepted that is to saye excepte one lease heretofore made by the said Thomas Brend deceased &
Mercie his wyfe to the said John Dunscombe deceased of the said Messuage or Inne called the
Starre and of other partes of the premisses in the said parishe of Alhallowes by Indenture dated the seaven
and Twentith daye of Auguste in the fyve and twentith yere of her said Maiesties raigne for the
terme of twentye and one yeres and for the yerelie rente of ffortye and one poundes of lawfull
money of England and excepte all lawfull leases made by the said Thomas Brend deceased and
Nicholas Brend or eyther of them of the said two tenementes in Breadstreete aforesaid and alsoe excepte
all lawefull leases and estates for yeres heretofore made or graunted by the said Nicholas and Thomas Brend
or either of them of the said messuages and othe the premisses in the said parishe of Saint Saviours
alias Sancte Marye Overies or of any part or partes thereof to any personne or personnes for any terme or
termes of yeres whereof ther ys not now to comme of any of the said leases or termes above the
nomber of thirtie yeres to have contynuance from the date hereof and wherevppon suche seuerall
rentes are reserued as doe amounte in the whole togeather with the yerelie rentes of the premisses in the
said parishe of Sainte Marye Overies not letten in lease to the full and cleire yerelie rent and valewe
of fourescore and tenne poundes per Annum of lawfull money of England All which rentes reserued vppon euer&
of the leases herein excepted shall from henceforth be yerelye due and payable to the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett during the contynuance of the severall termes and estates
respectivelye whervppon the same ^the reserued for and notwithstandinge any act or actes to the contrarie
thereof made donne or commytted or to be made donne or commytted by the said Nicholas and Thomas Brend
or either of them their or eyther of their heires or assignes. And the said Nicholas Brend for him his
heires executors and admynistrators and for everie of them doth covenaunte promise and graunte to and
with the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett and eyther of them theire heires and assignes by
these presentes that he the said Nicholas Brend and his heires and Margarett his wyfe and everie of
them and everie other personne and personnes and theire heires having or lawfullye clayming or whiche
shall or maye have or rightfullye clayme to have any lawfull estate righte intereste or demaunde
of in to or out of the said messuages landes tenementes heredytamentes and other the premisses or any of them or
any part or partes therof other then suche personne and personnes as shall lawfullye and rightfullye clayme
by force of the said severall leases and estates before herein excepted for or in respecte onelye of the
said leases and estates accordinge to the severall tenures thereof onelye and not otherwyse shall and will
att all and everie tyme and tymes hereafter duringe the space of seaven yeres nexte ensewinge the
date of these presentes vppon the reasonable requestes and att the costes and charges in the lawe onelye of
the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett or eyther of them their or either of theire heires or
assignes doe make knowledge and execute and cause procure and suffer to be made donne knowledged
and executed all and everie suche further lawfull and reasonable act and actes device and devyces
thinge and thinges in the lawe whatsoever for the further better and more perfecte conveying assuring
and sure making of all the said landes heredytamentes and other the premisses to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett
theire heires and assignes to the onelye vse and behoofe of the saide Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett
theire heires and assignes for ever absolutelye without anye
condicion according to the purporte and true meaninge of these presentes and by the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett or either of them their or either of their heires or asignes or by their or any of their Counsell
learned in the lawe shalbe lawefullye and reasonablye aduised or devysed and required all whiche further
actes conveyaunces and assuraunces and everie of them shalbe and shalbe adiudged deemed and taken to be and ^for
thonelye vse and behoofe of the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes for
ever absolutlye without any manner of condicion and to none other vse intente or purpose whatsoever In
witness whereof the said parties to these presente Indentures Interchaungeablye have sett theire handes and
seales Yeoven the daye and yere firste above written
Et memorandum [+est] quod die et Anno suprascripto prefatus Nicholaus
Brende armiger venit coram dicto domina Regina in Cancellaria sua
et recognouit Indenturam predictam ac omnia et singula in eadem contenta
et specificata in forma supradicta
Irrotulata decimo tercio die Octobris anno predicto
To learn more, read Alan H. Nelson's essay on the 1599 lease of the Globe playhouse site.
Written by Alan H. Nelson
Last updated February 1, 2020