October 7,

C 54/1722 membrane 7 (1)

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C 54/1722 membrane 7 (1)
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Document-specific information
Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Date: October 7, 1601
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/1722 membr. 7
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Item Creator
Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Item Date
October 7, 1601
The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call Number
C 54/1722 membr. 7

C 54/1722 membrane 7 (2)

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C 54/1722 membrane 7 (2)
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Images reproduced by permission of The National Archives, London, England.

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Document-specific information
Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Date: October 7, 1601
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/1722 membr. 7
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Item Creator
Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Item Date
October 7, 1601
The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call Number
C 54/1722 membr. 7

Institution Rights and Document Citation


Images reproduced by permission of The National Archives, London, England.

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Document-specific information
Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Date: October 7, 1601
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/1722 membr. 7
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Alan H. Nelson, "Deed of transfer of the Globe and other properties from Nicholas Brend to Sir Matthew Brown and John Collett, listing 'William Shackspeare gent.'," Shakespeare Documented,

The National Archives, C 54/1722 membrane 7. See Shakespeare Documented

Dated October 7, 1601, this is the first of five enrolled indentures of bargain and sale for the Globe site, naming William Shakespeare as a leasee. The Globe playhouse was first built in 1599 on land leased from Sir Nicholas Brend. Though the lease of February 19, 1599 has not survived, it is referenced in nearly a dozen legal documents, including the five indentures: two from 1601 (October 7 and October 10) and one each from 1608, 1622, and 1624. Though the originals are lost, their full texts are enrolled in the C 54 series of Close Rolls now held at The National Archives.

This first indenture focuses on the site of the “playhouse” on Maid Lane, Southwark. Here, the various properties in Maid Lane, Southwark, are sold by Sir Nicholas Brend to Matthewe Browne, John Collett, and John Bodley. Browne and Collett agree to assume £1480 of Sir Nicholas’s debts (listed in a schedule), and to pay Sir Nicholas £250 in cash. This is the first document in the series to name Richard Burbage along with Shakespeare as a leasee of the playhouse in Maid Lane. This indenture also names other tenants of the Brend properties on Bankside, revealing that the Globe site was one of many leased sites along Maid Lane. From this source it is possible to reconstruct the “neighborhood” of the Globe.

While the “playhouse” is not given a name in this indenture, its association with “Richard Burbage and William Shakespeare, gentlemen” is sufficient to identify the playhouse as the Globe. In the fifth indenture (1624), the property is positively identified as “the Playhowse comonly called or knowne by the name of the Globe.”

Semi-diplomatic transcription

[Transcription by Alan H. Nelson. This transcription is pending final vetting]
[Image 1: membr. 7]

[Left margin:] Brend et Browne mil' et al'

This Indenture made the seaventh day of October 1601 & in the three and fortith yere of the raigne of
our soveraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England ffraunce and Ireland defendor of the
faith &c Betwene Nicholas Brend of West Mowlsey in the County of Surrey Esquier on thone party and Sir
Mathewe Browne of the Castle of West Betchworth in the said County of Surrey knight and John Collett
Citizein and Marchauntailor of London on the other party Witnesseth that wheras the said Sir Mathewe
Browne and John Collett and John Bodley of Stretham in the foresaid County of Surrey gent' or some one
or moe of them together with the said Nicholas Brend (at the speciall instaunce and request and for
thonlie debt of the said Nicholas Brend by certeine severall obligacions vnder their handes and
seales wherof mencion is made in a Cedule indented to these presentes anexed) are and stand ioyntlye
and severally bounden to the severall persons in the said Cedule named for true payment of the
severall debtes and sommes of money in the said Cecule mencioned and in the condicions of the saide
obligacions specified which togethers [sic] do amount to the full somme of one thousand foure hundred
threes[+c]ore and eighteene poundes [=₤1478] of laufull money of England to be paid at severall daies and places
of payment in the condicions of the same obligacions specified as by the said obligacions & the
condicions therof whervnto if due relation be had more plainly and at lardg it doth and maye
appeare  And wheras the said Sir Mathewe Browne John Collett and John Bodley are mynded &
contented that they or some of them shall or will hereafter become bound for the said Nicholas Brend
as occasion shall require for the prolonging or contynuyng at interest of every or any of the saide
debtes or sommes of money or any part of them or any of them or otherwise for the taking vp or
furnishing of any other somme or sommes of money to paie or satisfie any the said debtes or sommes of
money or for any other necessarie cause of the said Nicholas  Nowe the said Nicholas Brend
(aswell for the security indempnity and discharg to be had of the said Sir Mathewe Browne John Collett
and John Bodley and every of them their and every of their heires executors & admynistrators
and every of them of and for all and every the severall obligations debtes and sommes of money in the
said Cedule mencioned or specified and all others wherin or for payment wherof the said Sir Mathewe Browne
John Collett and John Bodley or any one or moe of them shall hereafter enter or
become charged or bound at the request or for the debt of the said Nicholas Brend as alsoe
for and in consideracion of the somme of two hundred and fiftie poundes of laufull money of
England to him the said Nicholas Brend before thensealing and delivery of these presentes by the
said John Collett truly paid wherof and wherwith the said Nicholas acknowledgeth himself truly
paid and satisfied and thereof and of everie part and parcell therof doth cleerlye discharge the said
John Collett his heires executors and assignes for ever by these presentes as also for and in consideration
of the somme of five shillinges of like money to him the said Nicholas Brend before hand paid by
the said Sir Mathewe Browne hath graunted bargayned sold aliened and confirmed and by these
presentes doth fully cleerly and absolutly graunt bargaine sell alyen and confirme vnto the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett their heires ^& assignes forever All those messuages tenementes houses edifices buildinges
chambers roomes playehouse gardens orchardes void groundes and other landes & hereditamentes whatsoeuer
with all and singuler their appurtenances nowe or late in the severall tenures or occupations of ffrauncis
Carter tanner John Ouldfeild tanner Hughe Tucker waterman, John Kone [sic for Kene] dyer, Henry Draper berebrewer
Avery Butcher waterman Hendrick Sturman armorer Nicholas Zetchwell baker John Treherne gent’
Georg Archer porter Laurence Bush draper John Johnson taylor John Knolles Abraham Campion
berebrewer Richard Burbadge and William Shackspeare gent' John Bingham sadler and Roberte
Bromfeild gent’ and of every or any of them their and every or any of their assigne or assignes or in
the tenure manuraunce holding or occupation of any other person or persons whatsoever scituate
lying and being in Maiden Lane in the parishe of St Saviour alias St Marie Overies in Southwarke in
the said County of Surrey and all other the messuages landes tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever
nowe or late of the said Nicholas Brend scituate lying and being in the said parish of St Saviour
alias St Marie Overies in Southwark aforesaid in the said County of Surrey. And the revercion &
revercions remainder and remainders whatsoever of the said messuages landes and hereditamentes and
other the premisses and every of them and every part and parcell thereof  and all rentes and yerelie
profittes and sommes of money whatsoever reserued or payable vpon or by force of any demise leas
or graunt leases or grauntes made or graunted of the said premisses and of every or any of them
or of any part or parcell therof together with all and singuler deedes evidences ^chartres escriptes writinges
fines exemplifiacions counterpartes of leases and mynymentes whatsoever concernyng onely the said premisses
or any of them or only any part or partes therof  All which together with the true copies of all such
other deedes writinges and mynymentes whatsoever which the said Nicholas Brend or any other to his
vse or by his delivery nowe have or hath or at any tyme had concernyng the said premisses or any
of them or any part or partes therof amongest any other landes or hereditamentes he the saide
Nicholas Brend for himself his heires executors and admynistrators covenaunteth and graunteth by
these presentes to and with the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett truly and saufly to deliver
or cause to be delyiered to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires or assignes
whole vncancelled and vndefaced at or before the twentith daie of Maie next ensuyng the date
of these presentes without fraud or further delaie. To have hold and enioy all and every the said messuage
tenementes houses edifices playehouse yardes orchardes gardeins landes hereditamentes and all other the premisses by
these presents bargayned and sold or herein mencyoned or ment to be hereby bargayned and sold and every
part and parcell therof vnto the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes
to and for the proper vse and behoof of the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett & of their
heires and assignes forever  And the said Nicholas Brend for him his heires executors and
admynistrators and for every of them doth covenaunt and graunt to and with the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett and either of them their and either of their heires and assignes by thse presentes
in manner and forme following that is to saie that notwithstanding any act or actes to the contrarie
therof heretofore made done committed or willingly suffered by the said Nicholas Brend and Thomas
Brend deceased father of the said Nicholas or by either of them or hereafter to be made done committed
or willingly suffred by the said Nicholas Brend he the said Nicholas Brend at thensealing and
delivery of these presentes is and vntill the tyme that thestate by conveyance or assurance of the
premisses herevpon by virtue hereof first shalbe made executed and vested to and in the said Sir Mathewe Browne
and John Collett and their heires shall stand and be laufully rightfully and solie
seised in his demeasne as of fee of and in all and singuler the said messuages tenementes houses buildinges
plaiehouse yardes gardens orchardes void groundes hereditamentes and all other the premisses by these presentes
bargayned and sold or mencyoned or ment to be bargayned and sold and of every part and parcell
therof of a good laufull sole rightfull and indefesible estate in the lawe in fee simple to and for thonly
vse and behoof of the said Nicholas Brend and of his heires and assignes forever absolutely without
any manner of condicion lymitacion of vse or vses or other matter or thing whatsoever to alter determyne
or defeate the same estate and nowe hath and then shall have in himself in his owne righte full
power good right and laufull interest and abilitie to bargaine sell convey and assure all the said premisses
and every part and parcell therof to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and
assignes forever in manner and forme aforesaid and also that the said messuages tenementes houses buildinges
playehouse yardes gardeins void groundes landes hereditamentes and all other the premisses by these presentes
bargayned and sold or herein mencyoned or ment to be hereby bargayned and sold and every part and
parcell therof at thensealing and delivery of these presentes are and be and soe from henceforth forever shall
or may contynye and be to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes not
only free and cleere and freely and cleerly acquited exonerated and discharged of and from all and singuler
bargaines sales guiftes grauntes leases mortgages statutes recognizances iudgmentes extentes execucions fines
feoffmentes vses intailes anuyties and rentes charges whatsoever made done committed knowledged or
wittingly or willingly suffred by the said Nicholas Brend and Thomas Brend or either of them or hereafter
to be made done or committed or wittingly or willingly suffred by the said Nicholas his heires or assignes
(except only as is herevnder in these presentes excepted) but alsoe shalbe from tyme to
tyme and at all
tymes hereafter forever well and sufficiently saved and kept harmeles by the said Nicholas his
heires executors or admynistrators of and from all and singuler ioyntures dowers & other charges
estates titles troubles and encumbrances whatsoever had made committed done caused procured or suffred
or to be had made committed donne caused procured or suffred by the said Nicholas and Thomas
Brend or either of them or the heires or assignes of either of them or by any other person or persons by or
through their or any of their act meanes estate right tytle or interest The rentes and seruices from hencforth
to be come due to be paid and done for the premisses to the chief lord or lordes of the fee or fees therof
by reason or in respect only of his or their seigniory or seigniories and all laufull leases and estates
for yeres heretofore made or graunted by the said Nicholas or Thomas Brend or by either of them
of the said premisses or of any part or partes  therof to any person or persons for any terme or termes of
yeres wherof there is not nowe to come of any of the said leases or termes above the nomber of
thirty yeres to have contynuance from the date hereof  And whervpon such severall rentes are
reserued and shalbe yerely due and paieable to the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett
their heires and assignes during the contynuance of the severall termes and estates respectivelie
whervpon the same are reserued as do amount in the whole together with the yerely rentes of the
premisses not letten in lease to the full and cleere yerely rent and value of the fowerscore and tenne poundes
per Annum of laufull money of England only except and foreprised  Provided alwaies & it is expresly
condicioned that if the said Nicholas Brend his heires executors or admynistrators or some of
them do from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter forever cleerly acquite and discharg or ells
well and sufficiently save and kepe harmles the said Sir Mathewe Browne John Bodley & John Collett
and every of them their and every of their heires executors & admynistrators and every of them
and all their and every of their landes tenementes hereditamentes goodes chattelles and possessions and every
part therof of for from and concernyng all and singuler the obligacions debtes and sommes of money
whatsoever in the said Cedule mencyoned or specified and of every part therof and of for from
and concerning all and every other bondes obligacions debtes and sommes of money whatsoever wherein
or for payment wherof the said Sir Mathewe Browne John Bodley and John Collett and every or
any one or moe of them shall hereafter enter or become charged or bound at the request or for the
debt of the said Nicholas Brend and of for and from all accions suites iudgmentes execucions costes
losses forfeitures troubles damages and demaundes whatsoever which shall or may arise growe or happen
for by reason of or concerning the said bondes obligacions debtes and sommes of money and every or any of
them or any part or partes of them or of any of them in any manner of wise and if also the said
Nicholas Brend his heires executors admynistrators or assignes do well and truly paie or cause
to be paid to the said John Collett his executors admynistrators or assignes the full somme of two
hundred and fiftie poundes of laufull money of England at or in the nowe dwelling house of Roberte
Bankworth scrivener [in Common Paper] scituat in bowe lane in london on the thirteenth daye of Ianuary next ensuyng
the date of these presentes without fraud or further delaie that then and from thencforth theis presentes
and the graunt bargaine sale conveyance and assurance hereby made of all the said premisses & every
covenaunt matter and thing herein conteyned on the part of the said Nicholas Brend to be performed
shalbe vtterly frustrate void and of none effect to all intentes and purposes as if the same had never
bene made and at all tymes after it shall and may be laufull to and for the said Nicholas Brend
his heires and assignes into the said premisses wholy to reenter these presentes or any thing herein
conteyned to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding  And the said Nicholas Brend for
him his heires executors and admynistrators and for every of them doth also covenaunt promis & graunt
to and with the said Sir Mathewe Mathewe [sic] Browne and John Collett and either of them their heires
and assignes by these presentes that if default shall happen to be made of or in the payment of the ^said somme
of two hundred and fiftie poundes by these presentes lymmitted to be paid to the said John Collett his
executors or assignes or of any part or parcell therof contrary to the forme aforesaid or if the said
Sir Mathewe Browne John Bodley and John Collett or any of them their or any of their heires
executors or admynistrators or any of them shall in any wise hereafter be lauflly dampnified by
reason or force of or concernyng any the bondes obligacions debtes or sommes of money wherein or for
payment wherof the said Sir Mathewe Browne John Bodley and John Collett or any one or moe of
them are entered or become bound or hereafter shall enter or ^become charged or bound at the request or
for the debt of the said Nicholas Brend or of for or concernyng any part or partes therof or by reason
or force of any accion suite trouble iudgment or execucion which shall happen hereafter to be brought
taken or presented vpon or concerning the said bondes obligacions debtes or sommes of money or any of
them or any part or partes of them or of any of them or yf otherwise the said proviso or condicion shall
happen to be infringed or broken that then and at all tymes after during the space of seaven yeres
then next ensuyng he the said Nicholas Brend and his heires and Margaret his wief and every of
them and every other person and persons and their heires having or laufully claymyng or which shall
or may have or rightfully clayme to have any laufull estate right tytle interest or demaund of in
to or out of the said messuages landes tenementes or hereditamentes and other the premisses or any of them
or any part or partes therof other then such person and persons as shall laufully and rightfullye
clayme by force of the said severall leases and estates before herein excepted for or in respecte
only of the said leases and estates according to the severall tenors therof only & not otherwise)
shall and will (vpon the reasonable request and at the costes and charges in the lawe only of the
said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett or either of them their or either of their heires or
assignes) do make knowledg and execute and cause procure and suffer to be made done
knowledged and executed all and every such further laufull and reasonable act and actes device &
devices thing and thinges in the lawe whatsoever for the further better and more perfect conveying
assuring and suremaking of all the said landes hereditamentes and other the premisses to the said
Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes to thonly vse and behoof of the
said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes forever absolutely without
any condicion as by the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett or either of them their or
either of theire heires or assignes or by their or any of their councell lerned in the lawe shalbe
laufully and reasonably aduised or devised and required  All which further actes conveyaunces and
assurances shalbe and shalbe adiudged deemed and taken to be to and for thonlye vse and behoofe of
the said Sir Mathewe Browne and John Collett their heires and assignes forever absolutely without
any manner of condicion and to none other vse intent or purpose whatsoever  And further it is covenaunted
graunted concluded condiscenced and fully agreed by and betwene the said parties to these presentes
that it shall and may be laufull to and for the said Nicholas Brend his hieires [sic] and assignes to hold
and enioye all the said messuages tenementes landes hereditamentes and other the premisses hereby bargayned and
sold and every part therof and to receave take and enioye to his and their proper vses all the rentes
issues and proffittes therof from tyme to tyme commyng arising or increasing from hencforth vntill defaulte
of payment shall happen to be made of or in the payment of the said somme of two hundred & fiftye
poundes [=₤250] hereby lymmitted to be paid to the said John Collett his executors or assignes or of some part
or parcell therof contrary to the forme aforesaid or vntill such tyme that some some [sic] other breach
shall happen to be made of the said proviso or condicion herein above specified. or of some part or
parcell thereof without any laufull let or interrupcion of or by the said Sir Mathewe Browne & John
Collett or either of them their or either of  their heires or or assignes and without any accompt therfore or
for any part therof to him them or any of them to be yeilden or given any thing before herein conteyned
to the contrary therof in any wise notwithstanding  In witnes wherof the said parties to theis present
Indentures interchangeably have set their handes and seales  Yeoven the day & yere first above written

[Left margin:] Scedula [SCHEDULE OF DEBTS]

The Cedule wherof mencyon is made in the Indenture whervnto this Cedule is anexed and
herein are mencyoned and specified certeine severall obligacions wherin Sir Mathewe Browne
knight John Bodley and John Collett in the said Indenture named or some one or moe of them
stand ioyntly and severally bounden together with Nicholas Brend in th said Indenture also
named (at the reqest and for the debt of the said Nicholas for payment of the particuler
debtes and sommes of money herein mencyoned or specified videlicet  Inprimis by one obligacion to
John Scott of the ynner temple London Esquier with condicion for payment of two hundred
threescore and two poundes tenne shillinges [=₤262 10s] of laufull money of England at a certaine daie alredy
past (the bond depending forfeited)  Item by one obligacion to William Playstowe of Purford
in the County of Surrey gent with condicion for payment of two hundred threescore and twoe
poundes and tenne shillinges [=₤262 10s] of like money at a daie also past (the bond depending forfeited)
Item by one obligacion to Marie Maylard widowe with condicion for payment of one hundred & fyve
poundes at a daie alreadie past (the bond depending forfeited)  Item by one obligacion to Richard
Rodes of London with condicion for payment of fiftie two poundes and tenne shillinges [=₤52 10s] on the (blank)
daie of ffebruarie nowe next comyng  Item by one obligacion to Thomas Millard of London with
condicion for payment of one hundred and five poundes [=₤105] at a daie past (the bond depending forfeited)
Item by one obligacion to John Treherne one of her maiesties yomen porters with condicion for
payment of one hundred two poundes and tenne shillings [=₤102 10s] on the eight daie of November nexte
comyng  Item by one obligacion to Mistris Marie Ratclif of her maiesties privie chamber with
condicion for payment of one hundred and five poundes [=₤105] on the nyne and twentith daie of this present
moneth of October 1601.  Item by one obligacion to Iohn (blank) servant to the said mistris
Ratclif with condicion for payment of one hundred and five poundes [=₤105] on the said nyne & twentith
daye of October  Item by one obligacion to Jonas Rigden with condicion for payment of one
hundred and five poundes [=₤105] at the house of Thomas Blathwait scrivener in Bowe Lane London
on the third daie of November next comyng  Item by one obligacion to the said John Scott or
to some other to the vse of mistris Sackford with condicion for payment of one hundred and
five poundes [=₤105] on the last daie of August nowe last past (the bond depending forfeited)  Item by
one obligacion to (blank=John) Partridge of London Scrivener with condicion for payment of one and
thirtie poundes and tenne shillinges =₤31 10s] on the fiveteenth daie of December nowe next commynge
Item by one obligacion to Thomas ffletcher of London with condicion for payment of one and
thirtie poundes and tenne shillinges [=₤130 10s] on the foureteenth daie of August last past (the bond
depending forfeited)  And by one obligacion to maister Caldwell vintener with condicion for
payment of one hundred and five poundes [=₤105] at the house of thaforesaid Thomas Blathwayte
on the fower and twentith daie of December nowe next comyng. Summa totallis of all the
debtes above mencyoned amounteth to one thousand foure hundred threescore & eighteene poundes [=₤1418]
Et memorand' quod octauo die Octobris Anno suprascripto prefatus
Nicholaus Brend armig' venit coram dicta domina Regina in Cancellaria
sua et recognovit Indenturam ^& Scedulam predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem
contenta & specificata in forma supradicta
Irrotulata secundo die Marcij Anno Regni Regine Elizabethe xliiijo

To learn more, read Alan H. Nelson's essay on the 1599 lease of the Globe playhouse site.

Written by Alan H. Nelson

Last updated February 1, 2020