October 15,


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Reproduced by permission of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

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The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has graciously contributed images under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommerical ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Visitors may download, link to and cite the images for personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the images, commercial or third party use, is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to request additional use, at:

Document-specific information
Date: October 15, 1579
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: ER30/2
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Item Date
October 15, 1579
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call Number

Institution Rights and Document Citation


Reproduced by permission of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Terms of use
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has graciously contributed images under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommerical ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Visitors may download, link to and cite the images for personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the images, commercial or third party use, is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to request additional use, at:

Document-specific information
Date: October 15, 1579
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: ER30/2
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Robert Bearman, "Bond between John and Mary Shakespeare and Robert Webbe concerning the sale of their premises in Snitterfield," Shakespeare Documented,

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, ER30/2. See Shakespeare Documented

At this time, when property was conveyed from one party to another, it was typical for the vendors to enter into a bond that they would perform all conditions as specified in the accompanying deed of conveyance. This bond would be signed by the vendors or, in this case, certified by their marks. John’s mark is again a simple cross, and Mary added hers but less carefully than she did on the conveyance. The attached seals bear the letters “I:S” for John and a horse for Mary.  

Modernized/Translated transcriptions

[The English translation of the legal Latin of this bond is as follows]:

LET ALL MEN KNOW by these presents that we John Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon in the county of Warwick yeoman, and Mary his wife, are held and firmly bound by Robert Webbe of Snitterfield in the county aforesaid yeoman, to pay twenty marks of good and legal English money to the same Robert Webbe or his certain attorney, executors, administrators, or his assigns; to make which payment well and faithfully we bind ourselves firmly, our heirs, and our administrators by these presents sealed with our seals. Dated this fifteenth of October, in the reign of our Lady Queen Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, etc. the twenty-first.

Semi-diplomatic transcription

ER 30/2

Noverint vniuersi per presentes nos Iohannem Shackspere de Stratford vppon Avon in comitatu Warwici yoman et Mariam vxor eius teneri et [firmiter]

obligari Roberto Webbe de Snitterfielde in comitatu predicto yoman in viginti marcis bone et legalis monete Anglie soluendum eidem Roberto aut [suo]

certo Attornato executoribus administratoribus vel assignat suis Ad quam quidem Solutionem bene et fideliter faciendi obligamus nos

heredes executores et administratores nostros firmiter per presentes Sigillo nostro Sigillate date decimo quinto die mensis octobris Anno regni

nostre Elizabeth Dei gracia Anglie ffranncie et Hibine regina fidei defensor etc vicesimo primo

The Condition of this obligacion is such thatif thabove bounden Iohn Shackspere & Marye his wyeffe theire heires & the heires of eyther of them theire

executors administrators & assignes and everye of them doe well & trulye observe performe fulfyll & keepe all & singular covenantes grauntes artycles

& agreementes which on theire partes are to be observed perforemed fulfylled & kepte contayned comprised & specified in one paire of Indentures bearinge

date the daye of the date of this present obligacion made betwene the above named Robarte Webbe on the one partye & thabove bound Iohn Shackspere

and Marie his wieffe on the other partye that then this present obligacion to be vtterlye voyde & of none effecte or ells to stande remayne

and be in full power strengthe force & vertue

Signum Ioannis Shaxpere

Signum Mariae Shacksper

Sealed and delyvered in the presens of

Nycholas Knooles vicar of Auston

Wyllyam Maydes & Anthonye

Osbaston with other moe

[Seals applied on a tag, Mary's seal clearly a horse]

Written by Robert Bearman

Last updated May 21, 2020