Stratford-upon-Avon Borough: Minute books: Council Book A, 1555-1594
February 15,

BRU2/1 Council Book A 1555-1594, p.11

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BRU2/1 Council Book A 1555-1594, p.11
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Reproduced by permission of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

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The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has graciously contributed images under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommerical ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Visitors may download, link to and cite the images for personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the images, commercial or third party use, is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to request additional use, at:

Document-specific information
Title:  Stratford-upon-Avon Borough: Minute books: Council Book A, 1555-1594
Date: February 15, 1566
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU2/1,  pp. 11, 11v, 13, 13v
View online bibliographic record

Item Title
Stratford-upon-Avon Borough: Minute books: Council Book A, 1555-1594
Item Date
February 15, 1566
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call Number
BRU2/1, p. 11

Institution Rights and Document Citation


Reproduced by permission of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Terms of use
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has graciously contributed images under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommerical ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Visitors may download, link to and cite the images for personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the images, commercial or third party use, is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to request additional use, at:

Document-specific information
Title:  Stratford-upon-Avon Borough: Minute books: Council Book A, 1555-1594
Date: February 15, 1566
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU2/1,  pp. 11, 11v, 13, 13v
View online bibliographic record

Robert Bearman, "Chamberlain’s account for the year Michaelmas 1564 to Michaelmas 1565, made by John Shakespeare on behalf of William Tyler and William Smith," Shakespeare Documented,

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, BRU2/1 Council Book A 1555-1594,  p.11. See Shakespeare Documented

In the autumn of 1563, John Taylor and John Shakespeare completed their two-year term of office as chamberlains. William Tyler and William Smith, haberdasher, were appointed to take their place. Tyler and Smith should then have submitted an account, as was customary, at the January meeting in 1565 for the year Michaelmas 1563–Michaelmas 1564, and another account at the January meeting in 1566 for the year Michaelmas 1564–Michaelmas 1565. However, things did not go according to plan. The accounts for 1563–4 were not submitted until March, 1565 (Minutes and Accounts, i, p. 137), and those for 1564–5 were similarly delayed, as shown here, until February 1566.

Moreover, although the accounts were presented in the names of the new chamberlains (“Thaccompt of William Tyler & William smythe chamburlens") they were said in 1565 to be “made by John Shakspeyr & John Tayler,” and in 1566, as shown here, “by John Shakspeyr” alone. Since the outbreak of plague in 1564, both record keeping and attendance at Corporation meetings had been very poor and this may have been the reason why John Shakespeare and John Taylor agreed effectively to remain in post.  The accounts showed a deficit of 7s. 3d, which John Shakespeare was responsible for paying out of pocket. As shown on the final image above, the 1566 account originally included an order to the new chamberlains to repay him this sum, but it was struck out, followed by a note in a later hand that the debt had been repaid on January 12, 1568.  

As before, the accounts for both years are in the hand of the steward, Richard Symons.

Semi-diplomatic transcription

[p. 11]

William Tyler & William Smythe chamburlens
 of William Tyler & WilliaSmythe Chamburlens made by Iohn
Shakspeyr the xvth day of February in the eight yere of the raigne of our 
Souereigne lady elyzabeth by the grace of god of englond fraunce and 
Irelond quene defendor of the feithe &c for one yere endyng at 
the feest of sent mychell tharchaungell now last past (vt sequitur)


In primis Sum of the rentroll                 
1li      vs        jd    ob
Item received. of mr Wheler                 
ijli      xs    
Item received of mr Smyth                   
Item received the tuthe of wylmecot    
ijli    xiijs    iiijd
Item received of mededyns wyf                     
vjs   viijd
Item received of margere tompson                 
vjs   viijd
Item received of thomas Richardson                       
Item savyd out of the almyshous                     
ijs   viijd
Item received of basell burdet                        

Summa totalis received       vixxjli     xvjs      vd   ob

money payd vppon receyt & alowaunces vt sequetur

In primis for burford hous                       
Item for mr Combes iij tenementes         
xiijs    iiijd
Item for the Chere in shombulles                         
Item for a mukhyll                                            
Item for the chappell orchard                  
xiijs    iiijd

Summa         ijli     iijs     vjd

[p. 11v]

money payd vppon receyt

payd for vc tyell                                                                                
vijs       vjd
Item payd for a thousond lathe nayles                                                          
Item payd for vij crestes & ij gutter tyelles                                              
Item for dimidium a thousond lathe naylles                                                  
Item for jc tyell                                                                                          
Item for naylles                                                                                                
Item for iiic tyelles                                                                            
iiijs      vjd   
Item for a thousond lathe nayll                                                                    
Item for dimidium a thousond lathe naylles                                                  
Item for iijc tyelles                                                                            
iiijs      vjd
Item for dimidium a thousond lathe naylles                                                  
Item for jc tylles                                                                                        
Item for iijc tyelles                                                                            
iiijs      vjd
Item for dimidium a thousond lathe naylles                                                  
Item for a thousond lathe naylles                                                                
Item for dimidium a thousond lathe naylles                                                  
Item for xl tyelles                                                                                        
Item for viij strykes lyme                                                                
Item for dimidium hundred lathe                                                                
Item for carryeing iiij lodes tymber                                                  
ijs    viijd
Item for ij keys for the Chappell door                                                        
Item payd to peter start for work in the Chapell & the scoll     .    
Item payd to Iohn tylar for tylyng the scole mr hous                        
Item to Thomas tylar for tylyng the scole mr hous                            
Item payd to shakspeyr for a rest of old det                            
iijli     ijs     vijd ob

Summa     vjli     xiiijs     xd

Item payd to mr brechegyrdyll for a bord                                        
ijs     vjd
Item payd to Iohn tylor                                                                    
Item payd for Sand                                                                          
Item payd to rodman                                                                      
vjs     viijd
Item to the Vycar in the abcence of the assystant                          
vjs     viijd
Item payd to mr geffereys                                                            

[p. 13]

Item payd to mr quyny                        
xxvijs    viijd
Item payd to mr perot                                  
ijs     ijd
Item payd to mr brounsword                      
Item Richard sharp                                            
Item to grantam                                            
Item to Richard sharp hys fee                    
Item to loke                                              
Item for a pece of tymber                            
Item for workemanshyp at the burge                  
Item payd basell for work at the burg                  
Item for carryag of tymber to the burg                  
Item to Richard Symons                              
Item payd to butlar                                    
Item payd to mr woodward                  
Item to peter start for a thell                              
Item payd hygges                                        
xs    viijd
Item payd to the Chamburlens                  
Item payd for kepyng the Clokkes          
Item for the pynfold                                          
Item payd the stewardes fee            
iijli    vjs    viijd
Item payd to the serjeauntes                              

Summa         xiijli     xiijs

Item payd for a. bell rop                            
ijs     vjd
Item payd the scollmaster              
Item payd the almysfolk              
xxli    xvjs
Item payd master smart                
Item payd for iijC  lathes                          
vjs     vjd
Item payd for lyme                                
Item payd for lyme                                        
Item payd for jC lathes                                      
Item payd for Sclat pyns                                  
Item payd for iiij eves polles                          


Item payd the tylar & hys man
   for xxij days woorke        
xxixs    viijd
Item payd to the tylar for ij days worke                                            

Summa                            xxxixli    xijs      iiijd
Summa totalis payd        iiixxijli     iijs     viijd
Summa totalis receved    iiixxj1i   xvjs        vd ob

In this accompt the Chambur ys in det vnto
John shakspeyr 
to be payd vnto hymn by the next
                           vijs     iijd

[added later]
Which is payd the xijth of Ianuari Anno 10 Elizabethe Regine

Et sic quieti Sunt Willelmus tylor & Willelmus smythe pro duobus annis inde vltimis preteritis 

At this Sayd accompt William Smyth farmer of the late coleg
of stratford dyssolved hathe made a Just & trw accompt of for
& concernyng the rentes of the tythes of old stratford  busshopston
& welcum & hathe delyuered the arrerage or ouer plus of hys rentes that ys
to say xls to the handes of William brace now chamburlen &
he to <be> Countable therefor in the next accompt

    Et sic quyetus est
    William Smyth

Written by Robert Bearman

Last updated May 14, 2020