The Society of Antiquaries of London is the oldest independent learned society in Britain concerned with the study of the past. For 300 years its library and museum collections have been at the Society's heart, helping to shape our understanding of the past.
The Library is the largest antiquarian library in the country, with an outstanding collection of more than 130,000 books dating from the fifteenth century to the present day, holdings of historic journals and over 600 current subscriptions, manuscripts and archives, and prints and drawings.
It covers British and European archaeology, architectural history, art history and the decorative arts (especially medieval), the historic environment, and British local history. The Library is freely available for research.
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The Society of Antiquaries of London has graciously contributed an image from their collections to Shakespeare Documented, and retains sole ownership of said image. Visitors may link to and cite the image within Shakespeare Documented in personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the image is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the Society of Antiquaries of London to request additional use, at: