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February 12, 1579
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
July 8, 1579
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
April 4, 1579
Anne, John and Mary Shakespeare’s sixth child, was buried on April 4, 1579 according to the Holy Trinity Church parish register. She was seven and a half years old. Next to the entry, an “X” added by a later hand highlights its significance.
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
October 15, 1579
John Shakespeare's wife was born Mary Arden, the daughter of Robert Arden. In 1550, Robert Arden settled two properties he owned in Snitterfield on trustees, to be divided among six of his daughters after their mother’s death.
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
May 3, 1580
Edmund Shakespeare, John and Mary Shakespeare’s eighth child, was baptized on May 3, 1580, according to the Holy Trinity Church parish register. Next to the entry, an “X” added by a later hand highlights its significance.
Easter 1580
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
SHAKESPEARE DOCUMENTED IS STILL GROWING! Descriptive content and transcriptions will continue to be added, updated and expanded. Check back for regular updates!
