Warwickshire: Feet of fines for 39 Elizabeth I, Easter

CP 25/2/237/39ELIZIEASTER, item 12 (recto)

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CP 25/2/237/39ELIZIEASTER, item 12 (recto)
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Document-specific information
Creator: Court of Common Pleas
Title: Warwickshire: Feet of fines for 39 Eliz I Easter
Date: 1597
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: CP 25/2/237/39ELIZIEASTER, item 12
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Item Creator
Court of Common Pleas
Item Title
WARWICKSHIRE: Feet of fines for 39 Eliz I Easter
Item Date
The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call Number
CP 25/2/237/39ELIZIEASTER, item 12

Institution Rights and Document Citation


Images reproduced by permission of The National Archives, London, England.

Terms of use
The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided.
Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education.  Applications for any other use should be made to The National Archives Image Library, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, Tel: 020 8392 5225   Fax: 020 8392 5266.

Document-specific information
Creator: Court of Common Pleas
Title: Warwickshire: Feet of fines for 39 Eliz I Easter
Date: 1597
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: CP 25/2/237/39ELIZIEASTER, item 12
View online bibliographic record


For details about the 1597 foot of fine, see the general essay for Shakespeare's purchase of New Place. The foot has a useful endorsement (the second image) recording the occasions when the final concord was "proclaimed" in open court, as required under the current legislation. This was done immediately, and in the three successive legal terms. The date of the first proclamation, May 9, indicates that the legal business had been tidied up in two days.      

Semi-diplomatic transcription

Hec est finalis Concordia facta in Curia domine Regine apud Westmonasterium a die Pasche in quinque

Septimanas Anno regnorum Elizabeth dei gratia Anglie ffrancie & hibernie Regine fidei

defensoris &c a conquestu tricesimo Nono coram Edmundo Anderson Thoma Walmysley

ffrancisco Beaumont & Thoma Owen Justiciariis & alijs domine Regine fidelibus tunc

ibi presentibus Inter Willelmum Shakespeare querentem et Willelmum Vnderhill generosum deforcientem

de vno mesuagio duobus horreis & duobus gardinis cum pertinentiis in Stratford super

Avon vnde placitum conuencionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia Scilicet quod

predictus Willelmus ^ Vnderhill recognovit predicta tenementa cum pertinentiis esse ius ipsius Willelmi Shakespeare

vt illa que idem Willelmus habet de dono predicti Willelmi Vnderhill et illa remisit &

quietaclamavit de se & heredibus suis predicto Willelmo Shakespeare & heredibus suis

Imperpetuum Et preterea idem Willelmus Vnderhill concessit pro se & heredibus suis quod ipsi

Warantizabunt predicto Willelmo Shakespeare & heredibus suis predicta tenementa cum pertinentiis

Imperpetuum. Et pro hac recognitione remissione quietaclamantia Warantia fine & concordia

idem Willelmus Shakespeare dedit predicto Willelmo Vnderhill Sexaginta libras



[endorsed on verso]

Secundum formam statuti

Prima proclamatio facta fuit nono die maii termino Pasche Anno tricesimo

Nono Regine infrascripte Secunda proclamatio facta fuit octauo die Junii termino

Sancti Trinitatis Anno tricesimo nono Regine infrascripte Tertia proclamatio

facta fuit vicesimo sexto die Octobris termino Sancti Michaelis Anno

tricesimo nono Regine infrascripte Quarta proclamatio facta fuit

vicesimo quinto die Januarii termino Sancti Hillarii Anno

Quadragesimo Regine infrascripte


Last updated February 1, 2020