April 23,

C 54/2184, membrane 45

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C 54/2184, membrane 45
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Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature 
Date: April 23, 1613
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/2184, membr. 45
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Item Creator
Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature
Item Date
April 23, 1613
The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call Number
C 54/2184, membr. 45

Institution Rights and Document Citation


Images reproduced by permission of The National Archives, London, England.

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Document-specific information
Creator: Chancery and Supreme Court of Judicature 
Date: April 23, 1613
Repository: The National Archives, Kew, UK
Call number and opening: C 54/2184, membr. 45
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Alan H. Nelson and Folger Shakespeare Library staff, "Shakespeare purchases the Blackfriars Gatehouse: Enrollment of a bargain and sale conveying property from Henry Walker to Shakespeare," Shakespeare Documented,

The National Archives, C 54/2184, membrane 45. See Shakespeare Documented

In March 1613 William Shakespeare and three associates agreed to purchase the Gatehouse of the former Dominican priory in London known as “Blackfriars” from Henry Walker for the sum of £140. The indenture of bargain and sale is dated March 10. The same group agreed to a mortgage, dated March 11, for the property in the amount of £60, implying that the buyers put up only £80 at the time of sale. For a discussion of these transactions, and a description of the property, see “Shakespeare purchases the Blackfriars Gatehouse.”

The document shown here is an enrollment, or official transcript, of the copy of the indenture of bargain and sale signed by Walker. The indenture of bargain and sale consisted of two essentially identical copies. The three documents contain essentially the same text, although the copy signed by Shakespeare contains a sentence which has been crossed out and not included in the copy signed by Walker, and therefore not in this enrolled copy.

Enrollment was an additional optional level of security for contracts between private parties. From as far back as the 13th-century, the blank backs (or “dorses”) of “Letters Close” (i.e., private letters as opposed to “Letters Patent” or “open” letters) in the Court of Chancery were used to record private contracts. By the 16th-century the Close Rolls were used exclusively for this devolved purpose. Walker clearly took the additional step of enrollment to preserve evidence of the agreement in case of a potential dispute. Probably because he was the initiator, the entry is flagged “Walker et Shakespeare … ” rather than “Shakespeare … et Walker”.

As was typical for enrolled documents, this entry concludes with three notes in Latin. The first note in this case states that Henry Walker requested enrollment in the Court of Chancery on March 11, 1613. The second note states that the text was enrolled on April 23 by Richard Bull. The third note, a brief “Examinatur” (i.e., “Examined”), is countersigned (in the margin) by Gregory Donhault, one of twelve Masters in Chancery.

Similarities between these Latin notes and notes on the copy signed by Walker reveal beyond all doubt that this enrolled text was transcribed from that document.

Two roughly contemporary indexes to grantors and grantees reference this enrollment.

Semi-diplomatic transcription

[This transcription is pending final vetting]
[Transcription adapted from B. Rowland Lewis, Shakespeare Documents (1940) ii, 440-3.]

[Left Margin]:

Walker / et / Shakespeare & al.

This Indenture made the tenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord god according to the Computacion of the Church of
England one thowsand six hundred and twelue / and in the yeeres of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Iames by the grace of
god kinge of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland defender of the faithe &c that is to say of England ffraunce and Ireland
the tenth and of Scotland the six and fortith Betweene Henry Walker Citizein and minstrell of London of thone partie And
William Shakespeare of Stratford vppon Avon in the Countie of Warr’ gent William Iohnson Citizein and Vintener of London
Iohn Jackson and Iohn Hemmynge of London gent’ of th'other partie Witnesseth that the said Henry Walker for and in consideracion
of the somme of one hundred and fortie poundes of lawfull money of England to hym in hand before thensealing hereof by the
said William Shakespeare well and truely paid whereof and wherewith he the said Henry Walker doth acknowledge
hymself fully satisfied and contented and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doth cleerly acquyte and discharge the
said William Shakespeare his heires executors administrators and assignes and every of them by theis presentes hath
bargayned and solde and by theis presentes doth fully cleerly and absolutly bargayne and sell vnto the said William Shakespeare
William Iohnson Iohn Jackson and Iohn Hemmynge their heires and assignes forever All
that dwellinge house or tenement with
thappertenaunces scituate and beinge within the precinct circuit and compasse of the late blackfryers London sometymes in the
tenure of Iames Gardiner Esquyor and synce that in the tenure of Iohn ffortescue gent and now or late being in the tenure or
occupacion of one William Ireland or of his assignee or assignes; abutting vppon a streete leadinge downe to Pudle Wharffe
on the east part right agaynst the Kinges Maiesties Wardrobe part of which said tenement is erected over a great gate leadinge
to a capitall mesuage which sometyme was in the tenure of William Blackwell Esquyor deceased and synce that in the
tenure or occupacion of the right honorable Henry now Earle of Northumberland And also all that plott of grounde on the west
side of the same tenement which was lately inclosed with boordes on two sides thereof by Anne Bacon widdowe soe farr and in
such sorte as the same was inclosed by the said Anne Bacon and not otherwise and beinge on the thirde syde inclosed with
an olde bricke wall which said plott of ground was sometyme parcell and taken out of a greate peece of voyde grounde
lately vsed for a garden and also the soyle wherevppon the said tenement standeth and also the said Brick wall and boordes which
doe inclose the said plott of grounde with free entry accesse ingresse egresse and regresse in by and through the said greate
gate and yarde there vnto the vsuall dore of the said tenement and also all and singuler Cellers sollers romes lightes easmentes
profittes comodities and hereditamentes whatsoever to the said dwellinge house or tenement belonginge or in any wise apperteyninge And
the revercion and revercions whatsoever of all and singuler the premysses and of every parcell thereof And also all rentes and
yeerly profittes whatsoever reserved and from hensforth to growe due and payeable vppon whatsoever lease demyse or graunt
leases demyses or grauntes made of the premysses or of any parcell thereof And also all thestate right tytle interest propertie vse
possession clayme and demaunde whatsoever which he the said Henry Walker now hath or of right may might shoulde or
ought to have of in or to the premysses or any parcell thereof And also all and every the deedes evydences chartres escriptes mynimentes
and writinges whatsoever which he the said Henry Walker now hath or any other person or persons to his vse have or hath
or which he may lawfully come by without suyte in the lawe which touch or concerne the premysses onely or onely [dittography?] any
part or parcell thereof togeither with the true coppyes of all such deedes evydences and writinges as concerne the premysses
(amonges other thinges) to be written and taken out at the onely costes and charges of the said William Shakespeare his heires or
assignes which said dwellinge house or tenement and other the premysses above by theis presentes mencioned to be bargayned and solde
the said Henry Walker late purchased and had to hym his heires and assignes for ever of Mathie Bacon of Graies Inne in
the County of Midd’ gent’ by Indenture bearinge date the fifteenth day of October in the yeere of our Lord god one thowsand six
hundred and foure and in the yeeres of the reigne of our said soveraigne Lord Kinge James of his Realmes of England ffraunce
and Ireland the seconde and of Scotland the eight and thirtith To have and to holde the said dwellinge house or tenement
shopps Cellers sollers plott of grounde and all and singuler other the premysses above by theis presentes mencioned to be bargayned
and solde and every part and parcell thereof with thappurtenaunces vnto the said William Shakespeare William Iohnson Iohn
Iackson and Iohn Hemmyng their heires and assignes forever To thonely and proper vse and behoofe of the said William
Shakespeare William Iohnson Iohn Iackson and Iohn Hemmyng their heires and assignes forever And the said Henry Walker for
hymselfe his heires executors administrators and assignes and for every of them doth
covenante promysse and graunt to and with
the said William Shakespeare his heires and assignes by theis presentes in forme followinge that is to say that hee the said
Henry Walker his heires executors administrators or assignes shall and will cleerly acquyte exonerate and discharge or otherwise
from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter well and sufficiently save and keepe harmles the said William Shakespeare his
heires and assignes and every of ^them of for or and concernyng the bargayne and sale of the premysses and the said bargayned premysses and
every part and parcell thereof with thappurtenaunces of and from all and all manner of former bargaynes sales gyftes  grauntes leases
statutes recognizances ioyntures dowers intayles lymittacion and lymittacions of vse and vses extentes iudgementes execucions annuyties
and of and from all and every other charges tytles and incumbraunces whatsoever wittingly and willfully had made committed suffered
or donne by hym the said Henry Walker or any other vnder his aucthoritie or right before thensealinge and delivery of theis presentes
except the rentes and seruices to the cheife Lord or Lordes of the fee or fees of the premysses fromhenceforth for or in respecte of his or their
seigniorie or seigniories onely to bee due and donne And further the said Henry Walker for hymself his heires executors and
administrators and for every of them doth covenante promyse and graunt to and with the said William Shakespeare his
heires and assignes by theis presentes in forme following that is to say that for and notwithstandinge any acte or thinge done
by hym the said Henry Walker to the contrary he the said William Shakespeare his heires and assignes shall or lawfully may
peaceably and quyetly have holde occupye and enioy the said dwellinge house or tenement Cellers sollers and all and singuler
other the premysses above by theis presentes mencioned to be bargayned and solde and every part and parcell thereof with thappurtenaunces and the
rentes yssues and profittes thereof and of every part and parcell thereof to his and their owne vse receave perceave take and enioye from
henceforth forever without the lett trouble eviccion or interrupcion of the said Henry Walker his heires executors or administrators or any
of them or of or by any other person or persons which have or may before the date hereof pretend to have any lawfull estate right
tytle vse or interest in or to the premysses or any parcell thereof by from or vnder hym the said Henry Walker And also that he the said
Henry Walker and his heires and all and every other person and persons and their heires which have or that shall lawfully
and rightfully have or clayme to have any lawfull and rightfull estate right tytle or interest in or to the premysses or any
parcell thereof by from or vnder the said Henry Walker shall and will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes from hensforth
for and duringe the space of three yeeres now next ensuinge at or vppon the reasonable request and costes and charges in the
lawe of the said William Shakespeare his heires and assignes doe make knowledge and suffer to bee done made and
knowledged all and every such further lawfull and reasonable act and actes thinge and thinges devise and devises in the lawe
whatsoever for the conveying of the premysses be it by deed or deedes inrolled or not inrolled inrolement of theis presentes fyne feoffament
recovery release confirmacion or otherwise with warranty of the said Henry Walker and his heires agaynst hym the said
Henry Walker and his heires onely or otherwise without warranty or by all any or as many of the wayes meanes and
devises aforesaid as by the said William Shakespeare his heires or assignes or his or their Councell learned in the lawe
shalbe reasonably devised or advised for the further better and more perfect assurance suertie suermakinge [=sure-making] and conveyinge of
all and singuler the premysses and every parcell thereof with thappurtenaunces vnto the said William Shakespeare his heires and
assignes forever to thuse and in forme aforesaid And further that all and every fyne and fynes to be levyed recoveryes to be
suffered estates and assurances at any tyme or tymes hereafter to bee had made executed or passed by or betwene the said parties of
the premysses or of any parcell thereof shalbe and shalbe esteemed adiudged deemed and taken to be to thonely and p{ro}per vse
and behoofe of the said William Shakespeare his heires and assignes forever and to none other vse intent or purpose. In witnesse
whereof the said parties to theis Indentures interchangeably have sett their seales Yeoven the day and yeeres first above written.

Et memorandum quod vndecimo die Marcii Anno suprascripto prefatus Henricus Walker venit coram dicto domino Rege in Cancellaria sua et recognavit Indenturam predictam ac omnia et singula in eadem contenta et specificata in forma supradicta.

Irrotulatur vicesimo tercio die Aprilis Anno Regno Regis Iacobi Anglie vndecimo


[Left Margin:]

(signed) Gregory Donhault


For more about Shakespeare’s purchase of the Blackfriars, please see Alan H. Nelson and the Folger Shakespeare Library staff’s essay.

Co-written by Alan H. Nelson and Folger Shakespeare Library staff

James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips, Outlines (1887): 1:238-40, 2:37-41.
James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips, Outlines (1889): 2:37-41.
E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare: a Study of Facts and Problems (1930): 2:154-9, 168.
J. Leslie Hotson, Shakespeare’s Sonnets Dated, and Other Essays (1949).
B. Rowland Lewis, Shakespeare Documents: 2:435-48, 467-71, 531-4.
Samuel Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life: 220-6.
Samuel Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: Records and Images: 39-48.
Robert Bearman, Shakespeare's Money (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016): 166-71.

Last updated February 1, 2020