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The Shakespeare First Folio (1623) contains a list of “The Names of the Principall Actors in all these Playes.” At the head of the list appears the name of William Shakespeare.
The sixth edition of Lucrece was printed by Thomas Snodham for Roger Jackson in 1616, the year of Shakespeare’s death.
February 10, 1618
On February 10, 1618, five years after William Shakespeare and his associates William Johnson, John Jackson, and John Heminges agreed to purchase the Blackfriars Gatehouse in 1613, Shakespeare’s trustees transferred the title of the Gatehouse to two new trustees.
Printed as 1608, i.e. 1619
William Jaggard printed the third edition of Henry V, one of the infamous Pavier Quartos, for Thomas Pavier in 1619, though the title page says 1608. In 1619, Pavier and Jaggard published a set of ten works, either by Shakespeare or attributed to him.
Imprint 1600, i.e. 1619
The 1619 quarto of Sir John Oldcastle Part 1 is the first to attribute the play to Shakespeare, some three years after his death.
Thomas Pavier’s 1619 reissue of A Yorkshire Tragedie, now printed by William Jaggard, repeats the attribution to “W. Shakespeare” and places his name more prominently in capitals, but removes the information about playing company and theater.
Published in 1619, this second edition of The Merry Wives of Windsor was part of the collection of Shakespeare’s plays commonly known as the Pavier Quartos. The publisher, Arthur Johnson, also published the first edition in 1602.
Printed as 1608, i.e. 1619
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The fourth edition of Pericles was published by Thomas Pavier and printed by William Jaggard in 1619. Pavier and Jaggard printed ten plays by or attributed to Shakespeare, now known to scholars as the Pavier quartos.
Printed as 1600, i.e. 1619
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