Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon.
July 2,
1613 (reproduced here in print, 1661)

W3644, title page

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W3644, title page
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Copy-specific information
Creator: Sir Henry Wotton
Title: Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon.
Date: London : printed, by R[obert]. W[hite]. for F[rancis]. T[yton]. at the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1661.
Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, USA
Call number and opening: W3644, title page & pp. 29-31
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Item Creator
Sir Henry Wotton
Item Title
Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon.
Item Date
London : printed, by R[obert]. W[hite]. for F[rancis]. T[yton]. at the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1661.
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, USA
Call Number
W3644, title page

Institution Rights and Document Citation

Images that are under Folger copyright are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows you to use our images without additional permission provided that you cite the Folger Shakespeare Library as the source and you license anything you create using the images under the same or equivalent license. For more information, including permissions beyond the scope of this license, see Permissions. The Folger waives permission fees for non-commercial publication by registered non-profits, including university presses, regardless of the license they use. For images copyrighted by an entity other than the Folger, please contact the copyright holder for permission information.

Copy-specific information
Creator: Sir Henry Wotton
Title: Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon.
Date: London : printed, by R[obert]. W[hite]. for F[rancis]. T[yton]. at the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1661.
Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, USA
Call number and opening: W3644, title page & pp. 29-31
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Modernized/Translated transcriptions

[Image 1: title page]

Sir Henry Wotton
Sir Edmund Bacon.
Printed by R. W. for F. T. at the
three Daggers in Fleet street.

[Image 2: p. 29]

and with that best Neece of the World.
Your poor Uncle, and
faithful Servant

Albertus was yesterday with me at
the Court. And though there be
great disporportion in the space, yet
I dare conclude, that as much 
strength as did carry him to Green-
wich will bear him to Redgrave.

July 2, 1613.

    Whereas I wrote unto you,
that I would be at Cam-
bridge as on Saturday next; I am now
cast off again till the Kings return to 
London, which will be about the
middle of the week following. The 
delay grows from a desire of seeing
Albertus his business setled before 

[Image 3: p. 30]

we come unto you, where we mean
to forget all the world besides. Of
this we shall bring you the account.
    Now, to let matters of State sleep, I
will entertain you at the present with
what hath happened this week at the
banks side. The Kings Players had
a new Play, called All is true, repre-
senting some principall pieces of the
raign of Henry 8. which was set forth
with many extraordinary circum-
stances of Pomp and Majesty, even
to the matting of the stage; the
Knights of the Order, with their
Georges and Garter, the Guards
with their embroidered Coats, and
the like: sufficient in truth within a
while to make greatness very famili-
ar, if not ridiculous. Now, King 
Henry making a Masque at the Car-
dinal Wolsey's house and certain
Chambers being shot off at his entry,
some of the paper, or other stuff
wherewith one of them was stopped,
did light on the thatch, where being

[Image 4: p. 31]

thought at first, but an idle smoak,
and their eyes more attentive to the
show, it kindled inwardly, and ran 
round like a train, consuming within
less than an hour the whole house to
the very grounds.
    This was the fatal period of that
vertuous fabrique, wherein yet no-
thing did perish, but wood and straw,
and a few forsaken cloaks; only one
man had his breeches set on fire, that
would perhaps have broyled him, if
he had not by the benefit of a provi-
dent wit put it out with bottle Ale.
The rest when we meet: till when, I
protest every minute is the siege of
Troy. Gods dear blessings till then
and every be with you.
Your poor Uncle and
faithful servant.

I have this week received your last
of the 27. of June, wherein I see my

Last updated October 30, 2023