Bargain and sale from John Jackson and John Hemynge of London, Gents., and William Johnson, vintner of London, trustees of William Shakespeare, deceased, to John Greene of Clements Inn and Matthew Morryes of Stratford-upon-Avon, Gent., trustees for the heirs of William Shakespeare [manuscript], 1618 February 10.
February 10,

Z.c.22 (44) recto

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Z.c.22 (44) recto
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Document-specific information
Creator: John Jackson
Title: Bargain and sale from John Jackson and John Hemynge of London, Gents., and William Johnson, vintner of London, trustees of William Shakespeare, deceased, to John Greene of Clements Inn and Matthew Morryes of Stratford-upon-Avon, Gent., trustees for the heirs of William Shakespeare [manuscript], 1618 February 10.
Date: 1618 February 10
Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, USA
Call number and opening: MS Z.c.22 (44)
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Item Creator
John Jackson
Item Title
Bargain and sale from John Jackson and John Hemynge of London, Gents., and William Johnson, vintner of London, trustees of William Shakespeare, deceased, to John Greene of Clements Inn and Matthew Morryes of Stratford-upon-Avon, Gent., trustees for [...]
Item Date
February 10, 1618
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, USA
Call Number
Z.c.22 (44)

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Images that are under Folger copyright are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows you to use our images without additional permission provided that you cite the Folger Shakespeare Library as the source and you license anything you create using the images under the same or equivalent license. For more information, including permissions beyond the scope of this license, see Permissions. The Folger waives permission fees for non-commercial publication by registered non-profits, including university presses, regardless of the license they use. For images copyrighted by an entity other than the Folger, please contact the copyright holder for permission information.

Document-specific information
Creator: John Jackson
Title: Bargain and sale from John Jackson and John Hemynge of London, Gents., and William Johnson, vintner of London, trustees of William Shakespeare, deceased, to John Greene of Clements Inn and Matthew Morryes of Stratford-upon-Avon, Gent., trustees for the heirs of William Shakespeare [manuscript], 1618 February 10.
Date: 1618 February 10
Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, USA
Call number and opening: MS Z.c.22 (44)
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Alan H. Nelson and Folger Shakespeare Library staff, "Bargain and sale for the transfer of Blackfriars Gatehouse to new trustees John Greene and Matthew Morryes," Shakespeare Documented,

Folger Shakespeare Library, Z.c.22 (44). See Shakespeare Documented

On February 10, 1618, five years after William Shakespeare and his associates William Johnson, John Jackson, and John Heminges agreed to purchase the Blackfriars Gatehouse in 1613, Shakespeare’s trustees transferred the title of the Gatehouse to two new trustees. The stipulated price of five shillings indicates that this was not a true sale but rather a simple transfer of title. For a discussion of the 1613 transactions, and a description of the property, see “Shakespeare purchases the Blackfriars Gatehouse.”

The two new trustees were John Greene of Clement’s Inn, brother of Thomas Greene, the Stratford town clerk; and Matthew Morrys of Stratford-upon-Avon. The explicit purpose of the transfer was to secure the property to Shakespeare’s daughter Susanna, wife of Dr. John Hall. One possible motive for transferring title to two new trustees instead of directly to Susanna or to John Hall was to forestall a challenge from Shakespeare’s wife Anne, who was still alive at the time of Shakespeare’s death in 1616 (Anne died in 1623). Regardless of the trusteeship, in the case of Susanna’s demise the property would go to any of her male heirs; then to male heirs of her younger sister Judith Quiney; and in the case of Judith’s demise, to any male heir of William Shakespeare whatsoever.

Like the original 1613 indenture of bargain and sale, the 1618 indenture consisted of two essentially identical copies, written out on a single sheet of parchment, then signed and sealed, and finally cut apart along a wavy line. The document shown here is the copy signed by the vendors William Johnson, John Jackson, and John Heminges. The copy signed by the buyers John Greene and Matthew Morrys is not known to survive.

Halliwell-Phillipps owned this document and published a transcription in 1887 (Outlines, ii, 37-41). In his discussion of the document, Halliwell-Phillipps planted a seed of doubt concerning one of the signers: “Amongst the [trustees] was one described as John Hemyng of London, gentleman, who signs himself Heminges, but it is not likely that he was the poet’s friend and colleague of the same name” (Outlines, i, 239). The signature on the present document, however, exactly matches the signature of John Heminges in the archives of his parish church of St Mary Aldermanbury (London Metropolitan Archives P69/MRY2/A/001/MS03572/001). Thus John Heminges the trustee was Shakespeare’s fellow in the King’s Men beyond all reasonable doubt.

According to notations at the conclusion of the text and on the reverse (“dorse”) of the document, this copy was drawn up by Richard Tyler. Evidently John Prise collected the three signatures, which are further attested by Richard Swale (for John Jackson), Nicholas Harysone (for William Johnson), and Matthew Benson (for John Heminges). An additional endorsement, signed by Matthew Benson and John Prise, testifies that John Robinson (“tenant of the premysses”) gave John Greene six pence to be paid to Susanna Shakespeare Hall “in name of attornement” – probably to guarantee Robinson’s continued right to occupy the property.

Albany Wallis, a London lawyer, owned this document as of March 1796; it also went up for auction in 1865. Wallis apparently discovered it and the 1613 indenture signed by the buyers, among a bundle of deeds of title in the collection of the Rev. Mr. Fetherstonhaugh (pronounced Fanshaw) in 1768. This document was acquired by Henry Folger along with the 1613 indenture of bargain and sale signed by Henry Walker.

Semi-diplomatic transcription

[This transcription is pending final vetting]
[Based on transcription by Halliwell Phillips, Outlines (1889), pp. 36-7, 40-1.]

This Indenture made the Tenth day of ffebruary in the yeres of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God kinge of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland defendor of the faith, &c. That is
to say of England ffraunce and Ireland the fifteenth and of Scotland the one and fiftith. Between John Jackson and John Hemynge of London gentlemen and William Johnson citizen and Vintiner of London of thone part, and John
Greene of Clementes Inn in the county of Midd gent. and Mathew Morrys of Stretford vpon Avon in the county of Warwick gent of thother part Witnesseth that the said John Jackson John Hemynges and William
Johnson aswell for and in performance of the confidence and trust in them reposed by William Shakespeare deceased late of Stretford aforesaid gent. And to thend and intent that the landes tenementes and hereditamentes hereafter in
theis presentes mencioned and expressed may be conveyed and assured according to the true intent and meaning of the last will and testament of the said William Shakespeare, and for the some of fyve shillinges of
lawfull money of England to them payd for and on the behalf of Susanna Hall one of the daughters of the said William Shakespeare and now wife of John Hall of Stretford aforesaid gent. before thensealling and delivery of
theis presentes Have aliened bargained sold and confirmed, and by theis presentes doe and euery of them doth fully cleerely and absolutely alien bargaine sell and confirme vnto the said John Greene and Mathew Morry their heires and
assignes foreuer All that dwelling howse or tenement with thappurtenaunces scituat and being within the precinct, circuite, and compase of the late Blackfriers London, sometymes in the tenure of James Gardyner Esquior, and since
that in the tenure of John ffortescue gent. and now or late being in the tenure or occupacion of one William Ireland or of his Assignee or Assignes abutting vpon a street leadinge downe to Puddle Wharfe on the East part right against
the kinges Maiesties Warderobe, part of which tenement is erected over a great gate leading to a capitall messuage which sometymes was in the tenure of William Blackwell Esquior deceased, and since that in the tenure or occupation of the
right honourable Henry Earle of Northumberland. And also all that plot of ground on the west side of the said tenement, which was lately inclosed with boordes on twoe sides thereof by Anne Bacon widdow soe farr and in such sort
as the same was inclosed by the said Anne Bacon, and not otherwise, and being on the third side inclosed with an ould Brick wall Which said plot of ground was sometymes parcell and taken out of a great peece of
voyd ground lately vsed for a garden And also the soyle whereupon the said tenement standeth And also the said Brick wall and boordes which doe inclose the said plot of ground with free entry, accesse, ingres, egres, and regres
in by and through the said great gate and yarde there vnto the vsuall dore of the said tenement And also all singuler Cellers, sollars, roomes, lightes, easementes, profittes, comodyties, and hereditamentes whatsoeuer to the said dwelling howse
or tenement belonging or in any wise apperteyning And the reuercion and reuercions whatsoeuer of all and singuler the premisses and of euery parcell thereof. And also all rentes and yerely profittes whatsoeuer reserved and from henceforth to grow due and
payable vpon whatsoeuer lease demise or graunt leases demises or grauntes made of the premisses or any parcell thereof; and also all thestate, right, title, interest, property, vse, clayme, and demaund whatsoeuer which they the said John Jackson
John Hemynge and William Johnson now have or any of them hath or of right may might shoold or ought to have in the premisses To haue and to holde the said dwelling howse or tenement, lights, Cellers, sollars, plot of ground, and all and singuler other the
premisses aboue by theis presentes mencioned to be bargained and sold and euery part and parcell thereof with thappurtenaunces vnto the said John Green and Mathew Morrys their heires and assignes foreuer To the vse and behoofes hereafter
in theis presentes declared mencioned expressed and lymitted and to none other vse behoofe intent or purpose. That is to say to the vse and behoofe of the aforesaid Susanna Hall for and during the terme of her naturall life, and after her
decease to the vse and behoofe of the first sonne of her body lawfully yssueing and of the heires males of the body of the said first sonne lawfully yssueing. And for want of such heires to the vse and behoofe of the second sonne of the body
of the said Susanna lawfully yssueing, and of the heires males of the body of the said second sonne lawfully yssueing. And for want of such heires to the vse and behoofe of the third sonne of the body of the said Susanna lawfully yssueing And
of the heires males of the body of the said third sonne lawfully yssueing. And for want of such heires to the vse and behoofe of the fowerth fyveth sixt and seaventh sonnes of the body of the said Susanna lawfully yssueing and of the seuerall heires
males of the seuerall bodyes of the said fowerth fiveth sixt and seaventh sonnes lawfully yssueing in such manner as it is before lymitted to be and remeyne to the first second and third sonnes of the body of the said Susanna lawfully yssueing
And to their heires males as aforesaid. And for default of such heires to the vse and behoofe of Elizabeth Hall daughter of the said Susanna Hall and of the heires males of her body lawfully yssueing, and for default of such heires to the vse
and behoofe of Judyth Quiney now wife of Thomas Quiney of Stretford aforesaid vintiner one other of the daughters of the said William Shakespeare and of the heires males of the body of the said Judyth lawfully yssueing. And for
default of such yssue to the vse and behoofe of the right heires of the said William Shakespeare foreuer. And the said John Jackson for himself his heires executours administratours and assignes and for euery of them doth covenaunt
promise and graunt to and with the said John Green and Mathew Morrys and either of them their and either of their heires and assignes by theis presentes That he the said John Jackson his heires executours administratours or assignes shall and
will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter within convenient tyme after euery reasonable request ^to him or them made well and sufficiently save and keepe harmeles the said bargained premisses and every part and parcell thereof of and from
all and all manner of former bargaines, sales, guiftes, grauntes, leases, statutes, recognizaunces, Joynctures, dowers, intayles, vses, extentes, iudgementes, execucions, Annewyties, and of and from all other charges, titles and incombraunces whatsoeuer
wittingly and willingly had made comitted or done by him the said John Jackson alone or ioynctly with any other person or persons whatsoeuer. Except the rentes and services to the Cheiffe Lord or Lordes of the fee or fees of the premisses
from henceforth to be due and of right accustomed to be done. And except one lease and demise of the premisses with thappurtenaunces heretofore made by the said William Shakespeare, togeither with them the said John Jackson, John Hemynge
and William Johnson vnto one John Robinson now Tennant of the said premisses for the terme of certen yeres yet to come and vnexpired, As by the same wherevnto relacion be had at large doth appeare. And the said John
Hemynge for himself his heires executours administratours and assignes and for euery of them doth covenaunt promise and graunt to and with the said John Greene and Mathew Morrys and either of them their and either of their heires and
assignes by theis presentes That he the said John Hemynge his heires executours administratours or assignes shall and will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter within convenient tyme after euery reasonable request well and
sufficiently save and keepe harmeles the said bargained premisses and euery part and parcell thereof of and from all and all manner of former bargaines, sales, guiftes, grauntes, leases, statutes, recognizaunces, ioynctures, dowers, intayles,
vses, extentes, iudgementes, execucions, Annewyties, and of and from all other charges titles and incombraunces whatsoeuer wittingly and willingly had made comitted or done by him the said John Hemynge alone or ioynctly with any
other person or persons whatsoeuer. Except the rentes and services to the cheiffe lord or lordes of the fee or fees of the premisses from henceforth to be due and of right accustomed to be done and except one lease and demise of the premisses
with thappurtenaunces heretofore made by the said William Shakespeare togeither with them the said John Jackson John Hemyng and William Johnson vnto one John Robinson now tennant of the said premisses for the terme of certen
yeres yet to come and vnexpired as by the same whereunto relacion be had at large doth appeare. And the said William Johnson for himself his heires executours administratours and assignes and for euery of them doth covenaunt, promise
and graunt to and with the said John Green and Mathew Morrys and either of them their and either of their heires and assignes by theis presentes that he the said William Johnson his heires executours administratours or assignes shall and
will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter within convenient tyme after euery reasonable request well and sufficiently save and keepe harmeles the said bargained premisses and euery part and parcell thereof of and from
all and all manner of former bargaines sales guiftes grauntes leases statutes recognizaunces ioynctures dowers intayles vses extentes iudgementes execucions Annewyties and of and from all other charges titles and incombraunces whatsoeuer
wittingly and willingly had made comitted or done by him the said William Johnson alone or ioyntly with any other person or persons whatsoeuer except the rentes and services to the cheiff lord or lordes of the fee or fees of the premisses
from henceforth to be due and of right accustomed to be done and except one lease and demise of the premisses with thappurtenaunces heretofore made by the said William Shakespeare togeither with them the said John Jackson John
Hemynges and William Johnson vnto one John Robynson now tennant of the said premisses. for the terme of certen yeres yet to come and vnexpired as by the same whereunto relation be had at large doth appeare.
In witnes whereof the parties aforesaid to theis presente indentures have interchaungeably sett their handes and sealls. Yeoven the day and yeres first above written.

Per me Rychardum Tyler

(signed) Jo: Jackson. John Heminges. Wm. Johnson.

Sealed & delyvered by the within named
John Jackson in the presence of
(signed) Ric. Swale
(signed) John Prise

Sealed & delyvered by the withinamed William
Johnson in the presence of
(signed) Nickolas Harysone
(signed) John Prise

Sealed and delyvered by the withinamed
John Hemynges in the presence of
(signed) Matt: Benson
(signed) John Prise

Memorandum that the xjth daye of ffebruarye in the
yeres within written John Robynson tenant of the
premysses within mencioned did geve and delyver vnto
John Greene within named to the vse of Susanna Hall
within named sixe pence of lawefull money of England
in name of Attornement in the presence of (signed) Matt: Benson
    (signed) John Prise

For more about Shakespeare’s purchase of the Blackfriars, please see Alan H. Nelson and the Folger Shakespeare Library staff’s essay.

Co-written by Alan H. Nelson and Folger Shakespeare Library staff

James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips, Outlines (1887): 1:238-40, 2:37-41.
James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips, Outlines (1889): 2:37-41.
E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare: a Study of Facts and Problems (1930): 2:154-9, 168.
J. Leslie Hotson, Shakespeare’s Sonnets Dated, and Other Essays (1949).
B. Rowland Lewis, Shakespeare Documents: 2:435-48, 467-71, 531-4.
Samuel Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life: 220-6.
Samuel Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: Records and Images: 39-48.
Lois Potter, The Life of William Shakespeare: A Critical Biography (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012): 408-409.
Frederick C. Wellstood, Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Works of Art, Antiquities, and Relics Exhibited in Shakespeare’s Birthplace (Stratford-upon-Avon: Trustees and Guardians of Shakespeare’s Birthplace, 1937): 38-39.
J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps, A Facsimile of the Deed and Bargain of Sale of Shakespeare’s Blackfriars Estate… (Brighton: J.G. Bishop, Printed for Private Circulation Only, 1884): 5-6.
London Metropolitan Archives, Shakespeare and London : A Free Exhibition at London Metropolitan Archives from 28 May to 26 September 2013... (London: London Metropolitan Archives, 2013), pp. 3-4.
Heather Wolfe et al. The Pen’s Excellencie : Treasures from the Manuscript Collection at the Folger Shakespeare Library (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002): 73-74.
Mark Eccles, “Elizabethan Actors II: E-J, ” N&Q (1991), 457, note 17.
Folger Shakespeare Library. Acquisitions archives.


Last updated January 25, 2020