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August 11, 1602
Thomas, Lord Cromwell was entered into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on August 11, 1602.
January 18, 1602
The Merry Wives of Windsor was entered twice into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on January 18, 1602, shown above. John Busby, who made the first entry for that day, printed no known copies, and had never registered the title previously.
February 7, 1603
Troilus and Cressida was entered for the first time in Liber C of the Stationers' Company on February 7, 1603.
June 25, 1603
Richard III, Richard II, and Henry IV Part 1 were all transferred to publisher Matthew Law from publisher Andrew Wise in an entry in Liber C of the Stationers' Company, dated June 25, 1603.
August 6, 1607
The Puritan was entered into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on August 6, 1607 as "the comedie of 'The Puritan Widowe'." George Eld, the publisher and printer who registered the title, produced the first and only quarto edition l
November 26, 1607
Nathaniel Butter and John Busby entered King Lear into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on November 26, 1607, as "Master William Shakespeare his 'historye of Kinge Lear' as yt was played before the kinges maiestie at Whitehall vppon Sainct Stephens night at Christ
January 22, 1607
On January 22, 1607, publisher Cuthbert Burby transferred Romeo and Juliet, Love's Labor's Lost, and The Taming of the Shrew to fellow publisher Nicholas Ling in an entry in Liber C of the Stationers' Company.
November 19, 1607
On November 19, 1607, publisher Nicholas Ling transferred the publication rights to sixteen titles to fellow publisher John Smethwick, in an entry in Liber C of the Stationers' Company.
May 2, 1608
A Yorkshire Tragedy was entered into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on May 2, 1608, as "A booke Calle A yorkshire Tragedy written by Wylliam Shakespere." This is one of the four times Shakespeare's name appears in the Stationers' Register during his lifetim
May 20, 1608
Pericles was entered into Liber C of the Stationers' Company on May 20, 1608 as "The booke of Pericles prynce of Tyre." On the same date, Antony and Cleopatra was also entered into the Register, as "Anthony.