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Documents contributed by Folger Shakespeare Library

Gervase Markham and Lewis Machin’s play The Dumbe Knight, first printed in 1608, both refers to and quotes from Shakespeare’s popular poem Venus and Adonis on folio F1r.
The fourth edition of Henry IV Part 1 features the same information on its title page as the previous two editions printed in 1599 and 1604, including the claim that it was “Newly corrected by W.
Arthur Johnson published The Merry Devil of Edmonton in 1608, declaring the play to “hath beene sundry times Acted, / by his Maiesties Seruants, at the / Globe, on the banke-side.” In the 1630s, the play was bound in a volume of eight quartos in the library of King Charles I
First published in 1609, Pericles was among the most popular plays in print during the early 17th century, with a total of six editions published by 1635.
The publication rights for Romeo and Juliet were transferred twice in 1607, on January 22 from Cuthbert Burby to Nicholas Ling, and on November 19 from Ling to John Smethwicke.
