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The College of Arms has graciously contributed images from their collections to Shakespeare Documented, and retains sole ownership of said images. Visitors may link to and cite the images within Shakespeare Documented in personal research only. Any further use, including, but not limited to, unauthorized downloading or distribution of the images is strictly prohibited. Visitors must contact the College of Arms to request additional use: by email at: enquiries@college-of-arms.gov.uk; by telephone: (+44)20 7248 2762; or by post at: Officer in Waiting, College of Arms, 130 Queen Victoria Street, London, UK, EC4V 4BT
Document-specific information
Creator: Ralph Brooke, York Herald (1553-1625), with additions by Mercury Patten, Bluemantle Pursuivant
Title: A Noate of some few Coates and Creasts lately come to my hands. Geuen by William Dethick...
Date: early 17th century
Repository: College of Arms, London, UK
Call number and opening: Record MS Dethick's Grants X, fols. 1r, 28r, 29r-v & 30r
Capull the wife
of Anderley of the
[coat of arms]
Wotham of Norffolk
giuen to Sotherton of
[coat of arms]
Seals per Camden
[coat of arms]
Pethouse of Norwich
it is Petit Coate in
Gennings booke fol: 82.
[coat of arms]
Shakespeare the
playeser by Garter
[coat of arms]
Seager gaue to one West
a Crest and had 40s the coate
[small coat of arms]
Peake a Coate and
Caluert a pattent by Garter
Tey a hosier a patent
Cooley a Marchant in Lymestret
Haward of Surey
Morcatrot Steward
to the Bishop of Canterbury
Hall of Kent