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MS. Rawl. D. 398, folio 215 recto
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Document-specific information
Title: "The Pilgrimage to Parnassus," and "The Return from Parnassus;" two comedies. 
Date: 1598-1601
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: Rawl. D. 398, item 72, fols. 214v, 215r, 216v

Semi-diplomatic transcription

                   Ing       My pen is youre bounden vassall to commande but what
                               vayne woulde it please you to haue them in
                   Gullio   Not in a varie veine (pretlie y faith) make mee them
                               in two or three diuers vaynes in Chaucers, Gowers
                               and Spencers, and Mr Shakspeares, Marry I thinke
                               I shall entertaine those verses which run like these
                                         Even as the sunn with purple coloured face
                                               had tane his laste leaue on the weeping morne .etc.
                               O sweet Mr Shakspeare, Ile haue his picture in my
                               study at the courte.
                   Ingen:  Take heede my maisters hele kill you with tediousness
                               ere I can ridd him of the stage.
                   Gullio   Come let vs in Ile eate a bit of phesante & drincke
                               a cupp of wine in my cellar, & straight to the courte
                               Ile goe a count els and twoo Lordes expect mee
                               to day at dinner they are my very honorable
Enter Leonard          frendes I muste not disapointe them.
and Consiliodorus
               Leonard    Mr Cousiliodorus are you with in? god be here.
                  Consil:   What Leonarde, fill vs a cupp of beare for Leonard
                               what good news Leonarde?
              Leonarde   Oh I haue had great affliction since I sawe you
                                laste.Tib is fallen sore sicke of the Glanders,
                                and dun poore iade, I thinke he hath eaten a feather
                                but I haue letters for youe, and as manie commen=
                                dacions as there are greene grass betwixt you
                                and them, I told them of their hauioure I
                                warrant youe. I tolde them howe costlie there
                                nutreringe was, and they might by this time
                                if they had bene good boyes haue learned all
                                there bookes I chid them ronndlie without bawking
                                foor blowing at Tabecca, I toulde them plainely
                                it was nothing but a docke leafe, stept in a cham=
                                ber pott . and by cocke Mr. Consiliodorus I did
                                such good vpon them , that I thinke by this time
                                they are gone into the cuntrie to teache I
                                warrant Mr Philomusus will proue a greate clarke
                                he is such a readye man of his tongue, yet I
                                thinke Mr. Studioso is as well booklearned as he is
                  Consili:  I pray thee Leonarde goe in, and eate a bit of meate
                                Ile followe thee straighte.
               Leonard   God thanke youe Mr wee that are stirringe be=
                                times haue good stomackes, but Ile firste leade
                                my horses to the hay racke, they poore Iades are as
                                shallowe as a cloakbagg.
             Consiliod:   Hencforthe let none be sent by carefull syres
                                nor sonns no kinred to Parnassus hill
                                Since waywarde fortune thus rewardes our coste
                                with discontent, theire paines with pouertie
                                Mechanicke artes may smile, there followers laughe
                                but liberall artes Bewaile there destinie
                                since noe Mocenas in this niggard age
                                Guerdons they sonns of Muses, and of skill
                                My ioyless minde foretells this sad event
                                That learning needs muste leaue this duller clime
                                to be possest by rude simplicitie.

Item Title
"The Pilgrimage to Parnassus," and "The Return from Parnassus;" two comedies.
Item Date
Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call Number
MS. Rawl. D. 398, fol. 215r