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Document-specific information
Title: "The answeres of Garter and Clarencieux Kings of arms, to the scrowle of arms exhibited by Raffe Brookesmouth caled York Herauld."
Date: 1602
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS. Ashmole 846, fol. 50r-v, and fol. 51v
Couley [coat of arms in left margin]
Walter Cowley of whom it cannot be denyed that he is descended of that
Name & dwellethe in the Comte of Staffs. and no Ironmonger of London
He beinge vnwillinge to preiudize the heyres of that howse accepted
the Mollettes to be Blazoned vppon the Bordure of his Coate of
Arms. by our consentes.
Murgetrod [coat of arms in left margin]
The late Earle of Essex, whileste he was Earle Marshall did recommend
vnto me and Mr Clarentieux. for to devise a Blazon and to exemplefie
these Arms vnto Mr. Murgetrod. late Secretarie after Steward to
the most reverend Lord Arche Bushop his grace of Canterbury who
for his learninge offices of dignite And A Iustice of peace. his
Lordship expressed with these wordes A Secretary to a Councellor of Estate
& therefore qualefied to beare Arms. Whiche we did bothe grant
and exemplefie for him vnder our handes and Seales of offices.
And nowe that his Lordship did so wryte in this behalfe Mr Temple
can testefie.
Whitmore [coat of arms in left margin]
Auncyent Coate [coat of arms in right margin]
Mr Whitmore. a Riche & one of the Royall Marchantes of London.
Borne in the Comte of Salop. Where he possessed fayre Landes. And where
also and in Cheshere that Name & familie is farre & plentifully
dispersed. Whiche all doe beare this other Shield of Arms Auncyently
He maryed A daughter of Alderman Bond of London. And he beinge
worshipfully enterred At his ffuneralles this Canton & this Canquefoile
was ^within agmented with a Creast or Cognizance appropriate to the same
Nether dothe trades of Marchandize derogate from Gentrie more
in England. Then it dothe in Venice, Genoua Florence. &c.
Hykman [coat of arms in left margin]
Bremigham [coat of arms in right margin]
This Coate is not the Bremighams Arms. But that is per pale
Indented Argent and Sables. vt patet
The person to whom it was allowed & that vppon proofe by him produced
He is A doctor in the Ciuil Lawes. and dignefied And they
by rescripts of Emperours are reputed to be Clarissima dignitate
constituti: And they hould for a principle. That Meritum Scientiae
Iuris Ciuilis, ipso Iuro, facit eius peritum Nobilem:
Elkin. Alderman Lee Alde[r]man [their two coats of arms in left margin]
Lee of Staffs [coat of arms in right margin]
ffor Mr Elkin and Mr Lee. Who are by that Herauld (contrary
to his othe. and the Trewth depraved as basse trades men). It is
well knowen that they were bothe Sheriffes and Alde[r]men of London
And Mr Lee is shortly to bee Maior in that Cittie: And it cannot
be denied for men of that place in Ciuile governement that all
wayes suche tokens of honor of Arms hathe ben graunted and
allowed for them by vs vs in former Ages. is manifest.
Thwaites [coat of arms in left margin]
It is certeyne likewise that Mr Thwaytes was ellect an Alderman of
London And he had this Coat asigned to him by an Herauld who
hathe never had suche authorite & that without the difference of :[depiction of fleur de luce]:
The whiche yf it had passed by his warrant: without further inspect
and allowance from vs the kinges of Arms. happely it had neuer
ben called in question. ffor suche are dayely geven & passed by
them without our knowledges bothe Arms & Pedegres for Noble & Gent.
And for the other ix Coates: ffirst Withins was no vintenor but
A Riche & worshipfull Citizen of good reputacons. The Arms
were allowed for his ffunerall at the instance of the herauldes for theyre
proffites: Mr Gibson is A comly & worthy Man of honest parentes. A
Iustice of peace being Alderman & Sheriffe of Norwich. hathe Children
landes & wealthe of good habilite. And ther is sufficient difference
for his Name added to that Arms: Pettous was likewise an
Alderman & Shereffe of Norwich. ffor Sanderson. and Parr.
order was taken therin with ^all other by the Right honorable late lord Burgley and
therle of Nottingham nowe vj yeres past: Mr. Lawrence of
Chelsey had that Crosse. with the and crest of A chefe. and Leopardes
hedes. by motion of the Herauldes for thyre turnes at ffuneralles:
Mr Yonge being Master of his Company died xxv years past &
before I was Garter: Thes Arms were found in his Evidences
by Glover. Somerset and sett vp ^by him in ffishe morgers [sic] hall before they died.
And To Smyth. or Mouldesworth. Garter never gave them any
such patentes of Arms.
These Arms are falsely &
Maliciously surmized or
[two coat of arms in center for Howard (above) and Hayward (below)]
The trewe and only Blazon of the
Arms graunted by Garter: 1592.
for Mr Hayward of Tandrig in
Surrey. late chosen Alderman of London
and no kanellraker ^nor [ric?]
The right Honorable late Lord Burghley, The Right honorable Earle of Nottingham and the late Lord Hunsdon
Lord Chamberlen were informed of these & like other causes by that Man. And
Order was ^taken nowe vj yeeres past first in the Star Chamber. for all suites in lawe discharged
And afor hard by ther lordships and comaundementt geven that the said York
should not molest the said Garter, nor serve with him at the ffuneralls of the
Nobilite bycause of his infamie at Newgate and Turbulent behaviour in
that office.