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Title: "The answeres of Garter and Clarencieux Kings of arms, to the scrowle of arms exhibited by Raffe Brookesmouth caled York Herauld."
Date: 1602
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS. Ashmole 846, fol. 50r-v, and fol. 51v
The answeres of Garter and Clarenceux Kings of Arms to the
Scrowle of Arms exhibited by Raffe Brokesmouth called York Herauld
The exceptions in the Scrowle of xxiij Arms exhibited doth Concerne ether the Arms
or the personns that beare the same. (Whom he hathe so iniuriously defamed.) In bothe wee hope to
satisfie your honorable lordships in particuler. Yf with your favorable leave wee may present vnto your
Grave Considerations the ancyent and manifould proofes that the Blazon and gevinge
of Arms perteinethe vnto our offices. The Authorite wherof by Custome is confirmed
in those Ordinary Wordes Iuxta Antiquam consuetudinem. conteyned in the great Seale
of England. Whiche wee can prove have ben graunted and allowed by the most
prudent and famous Prynces Kinge Henry .7. and Kinge Henry .viijth vnder bothe theyre
handes and Seales. That Garter also shall have the Corection & allowance of All Arms
thoroughe all England and the kinges dominions And to graunt Arms & Enseignes and to
make his Lettres patentes therevppon accordinge to the ^Byle[?] of the Statutes and Ordonances of the most noble Order
of the Garter. The decrees of the Constables & England doe declare the same And the
Custome continewed for the tyme of Sir William Bruges first Garter. Sir Iohn and Sir Thomas
Wrythesley Sir Christofer Barker. and late Sir Gilbert Detheck. knight as all suche as have ben
Clarencieux dothe manifest the same. As well to personns Spirituall advaunced to dign[i]tes As
personns Temporall for theyre services in Warrs or offices & degres of honor. Riches or possessions
hable to maynteyne the same. Relienge vppon the promisses & the Queenes Maiesties great
Seale of England. Wee doe conceave most inward grieffe. for the exceptions taken herein
for xxiij Arms more then for xxiij hundred late geven by others. And wheras vnder her
Maiesties most happie governement hathe breed. in lieu of many extincte.) many worthye
personns qualefied to beare Arms. ffrom whom no doubt great personns shall aryse that
must deduce theyre originall descentes from the memories of the places & seruices
whiche theyre Parentes held in tyme of her Maiesties Reigne. For it is said Qui
nunc Novj videntur erunt Vetustissimj
Norton: [Norton coat of arms in left margin]
Co. Marche: [Mortimer coat of arms and another similar coat in right margin]
nota. Segar procurat
This patent Recalled.
This Coate is not deduced from the Arms of Mortimer Earle of March. As
he informethe. But is different bothe in Coullors. nomber of Barrs
and the Cantons Gironnes And be it remembred that in those tymes when
the Mortimers florished. Sir Symon De Burley and one Edosin and Hagelay
bare theyre Coates of Armes more lyke in shewe. Without contradiction:
Nether was there any Exception taken in those Ages when the honor of
Arms florished most for the resemblances of Arms. But for the Identitite
of Shields of Arms or the selfe same Arms to be borne by the towe of distinct
Names & families As in the memorable Contraversies betwene
Carmow and Grossvenor: Sir Theobald de Gorgs and Warbleton: Sitfilit
and Fakenham. Singleton and Baud. &c. & this maye suffice.
Lound: [coat of arms in left margin]
Echingham: [two coats of arms in right margin]
There is no more offence to be taken by the descendantes of Sir Peter Lound for
this Coate of Lound. Then in former tymes the familie of Sir William
Echingham. a Baron somoned to the Parliament tempore Ed. 2. And
theyre descendantes might have taken agaynst Sir Peter Lownd for bearing
theyre Arms with a playne Bordure Gould.
As for the Canton of Braye. beinge assigend [sic] a part By the consent of his
wyffe the Lady Harte one of the heyrs of the last Lord Bray: Lyke As
the heyre of Antony Lord Lucy. Assigned her Arms to be quartered within
the Arms of her husband. Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland.
Hall [coat of arms in left margin]
Hall. [coat of arms in right margin]
Whereas Mr Hall by relation ^&landes of his parentes. proveth himselfe descended
of that name & Arms of Hall of Bradford in Wiltshire but beinge not
certeyne with what coullors or difference he might beare the same This
Shield in different Coullors wee assigned vnto him. And herein as
in many suche cases for Armes Wee do after our predecessors in theyre Actes &
Visitacions) Are to relye vppon the credit & relation of suche persons
being. worthy of Credit.
Clerk [coat of arms in left margin]
Mr Clerke. of Ardington. A man brought vp in the Studies of the Lawes.
hathe fayer landes and inheritances &c. He produced these Arms engraved
in an aunncyent SEale of Sylver from his Antecessors. And not knowing in
what coullors to vse & beare them. required of vs to have the Coullors and
A Cognizance assigned for him. Making good proofe that his Grandfather
maryed the daughter & heyre of Thomas Champeney. Wee did confirme
and exemplefie the same, as is lawfull for vs. to doe./
Lo: Mauley
[three coats of arms in right margin]
It maye as well be said That Harley who bearethe Gould a bend 2 Cotizes
sable. Or ferrers .&c. or any other that beare silver. or Gould a bend charged
in like manner. Vsurpe the Coate of the Lo. Mauley. As for the
Speare on the Bend. is a patible difference. And the man was
a Magestrat in Stratford vpon Avon. A Iustice of Peace he maryedtheA daughter and heyre of Ardern. and was of good substance and
Peake: [coat of arms in left margin]
Mr Peake is no Grasier but he is a Gentleman of Grays=In well
qualefied in all good Studies and Learning. of A Competent lyving
He made good proofe That this shield of Armes was borne and
vsed by his Grandfather. Iohn Peake of Thurlangton in the
Comte of Leycestershire. Wee bothe allowed & did testefie the same but
without Patent. Whereof by his Ignorance & malice he hathe made
a contrary report.