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Document-specific information
Creator: Simon Forman
Title: The Bocke of Plaies and Notes therof per forman for Common Pollicie
Date: 1611
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS Ashmole 208, fol. 200-207v
[fol. 207r]
In Macbeth at the Globe 1610 the 20 of April, Saturday
There was to be observed first how Macbeth and Banquo, 2 noblemen of Scotland, riding through a wood, there stood before them 3 women fairies or nymphs, and saluted Macbeth, saying 3 times unto him, "Hail Macbeth, king of Codon [thane of Cawdor], for thou shall be a king but shall beget no kings," etc. Then said Banquo, "What, all to Macbeth, and nothing to me?" There said the nymphs, "Hail to thee, Banquo, thou shall beget kings, yet be no king." And so they departed and came to the court of Scotland to Duncan, king of Scots, and it was in the days of Edward the Confessor, and Duncan bade them both kindly welcome, and made Macbeth forthwith Prince of Northumberland, and sent him home to his own castle and appointed Macbeth to provide for him for he would sup with him the next day at night. And did so. And Macbeth contrived to kill Duncan, and through the persuasion of his wife did that night murder the king in his own castle being his guest. And there were many prodigies seen that night and the day before. And when Macbeth had murdered the king, the blood on his hands could not be washed off by any means, nor from his wife's hands which handled the bloody daggers in hiding them. By which means they became both much amazed and affronted. The murder being known, Duncan's 2 sons fled, the one to England, the
[fol. 207r]
In Mackbeth at the glod 1610 the 20
of Aprill [planetary symbol for Saturday]. ther was to be obserued firste
howe Mackbeth and Bancko 2 noblemen
of Scotland Ridinge thorowe a wod the [sic] stode
befor them 3 women feiries or Nimiphes [sic]
And saluted Mackbeth sayinge .l. 3 tyms
vnto him. haille Mackbeth. king of Codon
for thou shalt be a kinge but shalt beget
No kinges &c. then said Bancko What all
to Mackbeth And nothing to me ther
said the nimphes haille to thee Banko
thou shalt beget kinges. yet be no kinge
And so they departed & cam to the Courte
of Scotland to Dunkin king of Scotes
and yt was in the dais of Edward the
Confessor. And Dunkin bad them both kind
ly wellcom. And made Mackbeth forth
with Prince of Northumberland. and
sent him hom to his own castell and ap
pointed mackbeth to prouid for him for
he wold Sup with him the next dai at
night. & did soe. And mackebeth contri
ved to kill Dunckin. & thorowe the persuasi
on of his wife did that night Murder
the kinge in his own Castell beinge his guest
And ther were many prodigies seen that
night & the dai before. And when Mack
Beth had murdred the kinge the blod on
his handes could not be washed of by Any
means. nor from his wiues handes which
handled the bluddi daggers in hiding them
By which meanes they became both moch ama
zed & Affronted. the murder being knowen
Dunckins 2 sonnes fled the on to England