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Document-specific information
Title: Combe conveyance
Date: May 1, 1602
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: ER27/1
View online bibliographic record
This Indenture made the ffirste daie of Maye in the ffowre and ffortieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth by
the grace of god of England ffraunce and Ireland Queene defendresse of the faithe &c Betweene william Combe of Warrwicke in
the countie of Warrwick Esquier and Iohn Combe of Olde Stretford in the Countie aforesaide gentleman on the one partie And william Shakespere
of Stretford vppon Avon in the Countie aforesaide gentleman on thother partye Witnesseth that the saide William Combe and Iohn Combe
for and in Consideracion of the somme of Three hundred and Twentie Poundes of Currant Englishe money to them in hande at and before the
ensealinge and deliuerie of theis presentes well and trulie satisfied Contented and paide wherof and wherwith they acknowledge
themselves fullie satisfied Contented and paide and therof and of euerie parte and parcell therof doe clearlie exonerate acquite
and discharge the saide william Shakespere his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes for euer by theis presentes have aliened
bargayned solde geven graunted and Confirmed and by theis presentes doe fullye Clearlie and absolutelie alien bargayne sell give graunte
and Confirme vnto the saide william Shakespere All and singuler those errable landes with thappurtenances Conteyninge by estymacion ffowre
yarde lande of errable lande scytuate lyinge and beinge within the parrishe feildes or towne of Olde Stretford aforesaide in the saide Countie
of Warrwick Conteyninge by estimacion One hundred and Seaven acres be they more or lesse And also all the Common of pasture for Sheepe
horse kyne or other Cattle in the feildes of Olde Stretford aforesaide to the saide ffowre yarde lande belonginge or in any wise apperteyninge and
also all hades leys tyinges proffittes advantages and Commodities whatsoeuer with their and euerie of their Appurtenances to the saide bargayned
premisses belonginge or apperteyninge or hertofore reputed taken knowne or occupied as parte parcell or member of the same And the
Reuercion and Reuercions of all and singuler the same bargayned premisses and of euerie parte and parcell therof nowe or late in the
seuerall tenures or occupacions of Thomas Hiccoxe and Lewes Hiccoxe or of either of them or of their Assignes or any of them Together also
with all Charters deedes writinges escriptes and mynumentes whatsoeuer touchinge or concerninge the same premisses onlie or only any
parte or parcell therof and also the true Copies of all other deedes Evidences Charters writinges escriptes and mynumentes which
doe touche and Concerne the saide premisses before bargayned and solde or any parte or parcell therof which the saide William Combe or Iohn
Comhe nowe haue in their Custodie or herafter may haue or which they may lawfullye gett or Come by without suite in lawe To have and
to holde the saide ffowre yarde of errable lande Conteyninge by estymacion One hundred and seaven acres be they more or lesse and all and
singuler other the premisses before by theis presentes aliened and solde or mencioned or entended to be aliened and solde and euerie parte and
parcell therof And all deedes Charters writinges escriptes and mynumentes before by theis presentes bargayned and solde vnto the saide William
Shakespere his heires and Assignes for euer to the onlie proper vse and behoofe of the saide William Shakespere his heires and Assignes
for euer and the saide william Combe and Iohn Combe for them their heires Executors & Administrators doe Covenant promise and
graunte to and with the saide William Shakespere his heires Executors and Assignes by theis presentes that they the saide William and Iohn
Combe are seazde or one of them is seazde of a good sure perfect and absolute estate in fee simple of the same premisses before by theis presentes
bargayned and solde or ment or mencioned to be bargayned and solde without any further Condicion or lymyttacion of vse or estate vses or estates
and that he the saide Iohn Combe his heires and Assignes shall and will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes herafter well and sufficientlie
saue and keepe harmles and indempnified as Well the saide ffowre yardes of errable lande Conteyninge One hundred and Seaven acres and all other
the premisses with their Appurtenances before bargayned and solde or mencioned or entended to be bargayned and solde and euerie parte and parcell therof
as also the saide william Shakespere and his heires and Assignes and euerie of them of and from all former bargaynes sales Leases Ioyntures dowers
wills Statutes Recognizances writinges obligatorie fynes feoffamentes entayles Iudgmentes Execucions Charges titles forfeytures and encombrances
whatsoeuer at any tyme before the ensealinge herof had made knowledged done or suffred by the saide Iohn Combe or by the saide William Combe
or either of them or by any other person or persons whatsoeuer any thinge lawfullye Clayminge or havinge from by or vnder them or either
of them The Rentes and services herafter to be due in respect of the premisses before mencioned or entended to be bargayned and solde to
the Cheife lorde or Lordes of the fee or fees onlie excepted and foreprized and the saide william Combe and Iohn Combe for them their heires
Executors Administrators and Assignes doe Covenant promise and graunte to and with the saide William Shakespere his heires and Assignes by theis
presentes that they the saide William and Iohn Combe or one of them hathe rightfull power and lawfull aucthoritie for any acte or actes done by them the
saide William and Iohn Combe or by the sufferance or procurement of them the saide William and Iohn Combe to geue graunte bargayne sell convey
and assure the saide ffowre yardes of errable lande Conteyninge One hundred and Seaven acres and all other the premisses before by theis presentes
bargayned and solde or ment or mencioned to be bargayned and solde and euerie parte and parcell therof to the saide william Shakespere his
heires and Assignes in suche manner and forme as in and by theis presentes is lymytted expressed, and declared And that they the saide William
and Iohn Combe and their heires and also all and euerie other person and persons and their heires nowe or herafter havinge or C1ayminge any lawfull
estate righte title or interest of in or to the saide errable lande and all other the premisses before by theis presentes bargayned and solde with
their and euerie of their Apputenances other then the Cheife Lorde or Lordes of the fee or fees of the premisses for their Rentes and services only
at all tymes herafter duringe the space of ffyve yeares next ensewinge the date herof shall doe cause knowledge and suffer to be done and knowledged
all and euery suche further lawfull and reasonable acte and actes thinge and thinges devise and devises Conveyances and assurances whatsoeuer
for the further more better and perfect assurance suretie sure makinge and Conveyinge of all the saide premisses before bargayned and solde
or mencioned to be bargayned and solde with their Appurtenances and euerie parte and parcell therof to the saide william Shakespere
his heires and Assignes for euer accordinge to the true entent and meaninge of theis presentes as by the saide william Shakespere his heires and assignes
or his or their learned Counsell in the lawe shalbe reasonablye devized or advized and required Be yt bye fyne or fynes with proclamacion Recoverye [with]
voucher or vouchers over deede or deedes enrolled Enrollment of theis presentes feoffament Releaze confirmacion {[or otherwise with warrantie against]
the saide william Combe and Iohn Combe their heires and assignes and all other persons Clayminge by from or vnder them or any of them
or without warrantie at the Costes and Charges in the lawe of the saide William Shakespere his heires Executors Administrators or
Assignes so as for the makinge of any suche estate or assurance the said William and Iohn Combe be not Compeld to travell aboue Sixe
myles and the saide william Combe and Iohn Combe for them their heires Executors Administrators and Assignes doe Covenant promise
and graunte to and with the saide william Shakespere his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes by theis presentes that the saide
william Shakespere his heires and Assignes shall or may from tyme to tyme from henceforth for euer peaceably and quietlye haue holde
occupie possesse and enioye the saide ffowre yardes of errable lande and all other the bargayned premisses with their Appurtenances
and euerie parte and parcell therof without any manner of lett trouble or eviccion of them the saide William Combe and Iohn Combe their
heires or Assignes and without the lawfull lett trouble or eviccion of any other person or persons whatsoeuer lawfullie havinge or clayminge
any thinge in of or out of the saide premisses or any parte therof by from or vnder them the saide william Combe and Iohn Combe or either of
them or the heires or Assignes of them or either of them or their or any of their estate title or interest In wytnes wherof
the parties to theis presentes haue enterchangeably sette their handes and seales the daie and yeare first above Written 1602.
[signed] William Combe Iohn Combe
Sealed and deliuered to Gilbert Shakespere to the vse of the within named william Shakespere in the presence of [who sign] Anthony Nasshe Ihon Nashe William Sheldon Humfrey Maynwaringe Rychard Mason,