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BRU15/2/2, folio 6 recto
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Document-specific information
 Date: July 24, 1605
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Call number and opening: BRU15/2/2
View online bibliographic record

Semi-diplomatic transcription

[fol. 6r] 

nexte after anie of the sayed ffeastes or dayes of payemente in which as is aforsaid
yt oughte to be paide beinge lawfully asked That then yt shoulde be lawfull to
and for the said Iohn Barker his Executors Administrators & Assignes into all & singuler
the premisses with theire appurtenaunces and euerie parte and parcell therof to reenter
and the same to haue againe as in his or their former righte And that
then and from thenceforthe the saied recyted Indenture of Assignemente and euerie
article Covenaunte Clause provisoe & agreemente therin Conteyned on the parte & behalfe
of the said Iohn Barker his Executors Administrators & Assignes to be performed
shoulde Ceasse and be vtterly voyde & of none effeete with diuerse and sundrie other
Covenauntes grauntes articles and agreementes in the said Indenture of Assignemente specified
to be observed & performed by the saied Sir Iohn Hubaud his Executors and Assignes
As in and by the said recyted Indenture ^it doth and maye Appeare And wheras
the sayed Sir Iohn Hubaude knight did by his deede obligatorie bynde him self and
his heires to the said John Barker in A greate summe of money for the performance
of all and singuler the Covenauntes grauntes articles and agreementes which on the parte of the
said Sir Iohn Hubaud knighte were to be observed and performed Conteyned & specified
as well in the said reeyted Indenture of Assignemente, as alsoe in one other Indenture
beringe the date of the said recyted Indenture of Assignemente made betwene
the said Iohn Barker on thone partie, and the said Sir John Hubaud knighte

Item Date
July 24, 1605
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Call Number
BRU15/2/2, fol. 6r