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Date: November 17, 1614 - September 1615
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/13/26a, 27-29
[BRU 15/13/29 recto]
9: ffebruarii. myself Mr Chandler John Greene & Edmund Rawlyns being with Mr Manneryng he sayd all dyggyng & ploweing should stay till Easter:
Then he & Mr Ryplingham sayd they were to buy about to buy the Royalty of Sir Arthur Ingreham and that within an houre before they hadd hadd some speeche together to that effect.
[marginal note against this entry] Speeches of buyeing the royalty of Sir Arthur Ingram
Mr Ryplingham alsoe denyed that he gave yt forth as by Mr Bayly & Mr Aldermans Lettre was purported touchyng a dyggyng in of a lesse Inclosure.
Sunday . 12. Februarii Mr R Moore shewed me the me the particuler, as offred to be sold by Mr Combe; ratyng the intended Inclosure at 250li per annum.
[marginal note against this entry] Value of the intended Inclosure
1615 22 Marcii at a Hall a peticion was agreed vpon to be exhibited to my Lord Chief Justice at Coventrey where I was with yt & yt was set down 25 Mercii at the assises syttyng in Court but his Lordship would be putt in mynd of yt agayne at Warwick & there Mr Combe 27 Mercii at night by my Lord’s appoyntement mett vs before my Lord & hadd the peticion with him to Answere the poyntes therof & answered th by trauerse of the poyntes. my Lord ordered prout 28 Marcii at the delyuery of the nisi prius prout patet per ordinem.
[marginal note against this entry] Mr Chaundler said Mr Combe vpon his carryeing him the peticioun called him knave a many tymes & told him he lyed.
1615 28 Mercii at night at my Commyng home my wif told me yt was sayd while we were as at the Assises that there yt should not be enclosed but there should be .4. shepheards kept to keepe shepe there & all should be layd doune to greensward: & this from Mris Reynolds & 30 Marcii Mr Collyns sayd he lykewise heard soe much:
29 Marcii aftir noone Mr William Combe rode by himself & Mr Thomas Combe or one of them in the ffields dealt with Laurence Wheeler & Lewes Hiccox to se make choice of Land for Mris Reynolds: but they sayd they would not meddle without their Landlady Landlady (meanyng Mris Reynolds) & this Mris Reynolds acquaynted my wif withall in Mris Mr Collyns presence at my house:
1 Apr 1615. Mr B being Saterday Mr Baker told me at his shopp howe that the day before he was in Sir William Somervilles & Mr Combes Company a huntyng in Awson ffields & there Mr William Combe told him he might thanke me for the peticion, & that he would sell all & offred to sell him the lli per annum lyeing in Bridgtowne amongst my lord Carewes Land there. & that he for his part never ment not to enclose &c.
[marginal note against this entry] remember Febr & March 1615
2 Apr. Mr Parsons being Alderman told me that Mr Combe questyoned with him why he was soe agaynst the inclosure & he sayd as Mr Baker hadd sayd to him they were all sworne men for the good of the Boroughe and to preserve their Inherytaunces & therefore they would not have yt sayd in future tyme that they were the men which gave way to the vndoeing of the towne. tellyng Mr Combe that all the 3. fires were not soe great a losse to the towne as the Inclosure wolde be.
[marginal note against this entry] 3 fires not so great as the Inclosure wold be
3. Apr. ex relacione Mris Reynolds to my wif. Thomas Combe yesterday being Palmsunday payd to Mris Mary Nashe xxxli part of the lli which she was to have for her good will to depart with her estate:
5 7· Apr. being goodfryday Mr Barker commyng to the Colledge to Mr Thomas Combe about a debt he stood surety for Mris Quyney he William Combe willed his brother to shewe Mr Barker noe favour & threatned that him that he should be served vpp to London within a ffortnight. (and so yt fell out:
8. Apr. being Saterday Thomas Combe payeing me the half yeres rent for the tythes in my garden told me there would be noe inclosure that went not on. on.
12 Apr Mr P[Parsons?] recityng to Thomas Rogers his being beaten at his house.
10 Apr Mr B[arker?] his mencionyng of Thomas Combe his kickyng & beatyng his sheppard at Meons demandyng his wages.
19 Apr. William Combe rayled at Laurence Wheeler & Lewes Hiccox for plougheing within the intended in closure vt ait Mr Barker Mris Reynolds.
20 Apr. they & Mr an Nashe & many other tenantes as is sayd ploughed there vpon their owne Land, with .which William Combe was very angry.