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Document-specific information
Date: March 15, 1609
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: ER27/6
View online bibliographic record
Stratford borough
The sergeants at mace there are instructed that they arrest John Addenbrooke and that they have his body in the presence of the bailiff of the said borough at the next court of record there held to give satisfaction to William Shakespeare gentleman in both a debt of six pounds which the said William recovered against him in the same court and of 24 shillings which were awarded to him for damages and the costs which he sustained by the occasion of the detention of the said debt; and to have this order then. Witness Francis Smith junior gentleman bailiff there, 15 March in the sixth year of the reign of King James.
Preceptum est Servientibus ad Clavam ibidem quod Capiant seu etc Iohannem Addenbrooke si etc et eum salvo etc ita quod habeant Corpus eius coram balliuo burgi
predicti ad proximam Curiam de Recordo ibidem tenendam ad satisfaciendum Willelmo Shackspeare generoso tam de sex libris debiti quas predictus Willelmus in eadem Curia
versus eum recuperavit quam de viginti et quatuor solidis qui ei adiudicati fuerunt pro dampnis et custagiis suis quos sustinuit occacione
etencionis debiti predicti Et habeant ibi tunc hoc preceptum Teste ffrancisco Smyth Iuniore generoso ballivo ibidem xvo die Marcii Annis regni domini nostri
Iacobi Dei gracia Regis Anglie ffrancie et Hibernie sexto et Scotie xlijo