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Document-specific information
Title: Miscellaneous documents: Stratford-upon-Avon corporation
Date: February 4, 1598
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/1/106, fols. 1r-2v
View online bibliographic record
[f.1 verso, left column]
Henley street
5 William Green v quarters.
6 Robert Brookes. vj quarters.
2 William Smythe. ij quarters.
Bredcorne.iij quarters.
Bridge street
Are Caw
11 Arter Cawdrey. xj quarters.
3.½ Ihon Smythe alias Cowrte iij quarters dimidium.
Bredcorne. i quarter.
0 6. strikes Rychard Ainge. vj strickes.Breadcorne.
4. Mr Henry Wyllson. iiij quarters
Bredcorne ij quarters
6.½ Robert Butler. vj quarters dimidium.
Bred corne dimidium quarter.
3. Robert Wyllson senior. iij quarters.
0 1/2 strikes Lewes Hycoxe dimidium quarter
Breddcorne. iiij quarters.
1 Ihon Attwoode. i quarter
4 of Iohn Luptons. iiij quarters.
3. Mrs Ann Nashes iij quarters.
pease v quarters.
32. Mr Ihon Lane senior. xii quarters
more in green malte & Barley xxti quarters.
3. Edwarde Sheffylde. iij quarters.
3.½ ffrauncys Bellars iij quarters dimidium
4 William Cawdrey iiij quarters
Shepe street
8 Daniell Smythe. viij quarters.
Bredcorne. i quarter.
1. 5 strikes widow Roocke of Ihon Archardes
a Bachelor. xiij strickes.
1. of widow Byddles i quarter.
9. Henrye Smythe. ix quarters
15. Mr Rychard Tyler. xv quarters
myle corne i quarter.
11 William Wyate. xi quarters.
3. of old William Bredcorne Cawdreys iij quarters
5. Edmonde Wall. v quarters
Bred corne. vj strikes:
4½ Rychard Boyes iiij quarters dimidium.
William Smarte o o o
[f.1 verso, right column]
Sheep street Warde.
att vidua. Rookes of one Ihon
Bakers of Charlecoate a
Batchelor. v quarters.
Att William Wyattes of olde William
Cawdreys. iij quarters.
of George Bartons. vj quarters.
Att Edmonde Walls of
Ihon Hyggens of Tyddington
ij quarters.
Att Rychard Boyes
of Mr Smythes of Burmington
iij quarters
of Robert Pennells Sir Thomas
Lucies Servantes. aboutes xiij quarters
Chapple street
Rychard Dyxon hathe of Sir Thomas
Lucies: xvj quarters
of Sir Edward Grevyles. x quarters
of Edward Kennings. iiij quarters.
Mr Bifielde of hys Systers
iiij quarters.
Hughe Ainger of hys wyves syster
one quarter.
William Emmettes of one Nickes of.
Whatcoate. iiij quarters dimidium
of ffrancys Tibballs. vj strikes