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Document-specific information
Title: Miscellaneous documents: Stratford-upon-Avon corporation
Date: February 4, 1598
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/1/106, fols. 1r-2v
View online bibliographic record
[f.1 recto, header]
The noate of Corne & malte Taken the iiijth of ffebrwarij 1597
in the xlth yeare of the raigne of our moste gracious Soveraigne Ladie
Queen Elizabethe &c.
[f.1 recto, left column]
Woode street
Townesmens Corne
3. Ihon Sadler. malte: iij quarters malt34. William Slatter & widow
iiij quarters malte
5. Rychard Pyncke malte
& Bareley
v quarters
1.of wheate i quarter
3 George Roase malte iiij quarters.
9. Mr Ihon Lane Iunior ix quarters
2½ myle corn ij quarters dimidium
:3. Beanes. iij quarters:
8. Iames Elliottes. viij quarters
3. wheate iij strickes
2. 6:strikes Thomas Hornebie: ij quarters vj strikes.
1. myle corne i quarter
4. Thomas Lemster with hym. iiij quarters.
8. Mr Parsons. malte viij quarters.
2.½. wheate. ij quarters. dimidium.
12 woates. xij quarters.
1 fletches. i quarter.
2 2 myll corne. ij quarters.
13. 2 strikes Iohn Tubbe. xiij quarters ij strikes
10.Thomas Wylkenson. x quarters:
1. 2 strikes Robert Sperpoynt in hys house x strikes:
9.½ Ihon Smythe draper ix quarters dimidum.
2 strikes mylecorne. ij strickes.
3. Ihon Page in hys house iij quarters
1 Barley i. quarter
5. Mr Sturley: v quarters.
8. Cicley Bainton vidua. viij quarters
4.Barley.iiij quarters
4.Rafe Lorde.iiij quarters
myle corne viij strikes
Henley street
12. Edwarde Hunte. xii quarters.
6 strikes Brede corne. vj strikes.
5 Ihon Wheeler. v quarters xij strickes
of bred corne
of old William Cawdreys. iiij quarters.
7 strikes Robert Ionsons: vij strickes.
12 Ihon Wyllmer. xij quarters
myle corne. xiiij strikes
3. Valentyne Tawnte. iij quarters
4 Rycharde Hornebie iiii quarters
Myle corne ij quarters
8 Robert Willson Iunior viij quarters
Bred corne. ij quarters
pease & beanes ij quarters
18 Ancker Aynsworthe. xviij quarters
Myll corne xiiij strikes
2 6 strikes Thomas Allen Baker malte xxii strikes
Bred corne iiij quarters
[f.1 recto, right column]
Straingers malte.
[Wood Street Ward]
Mr Lyttleton xij quarters att Sadlers . 12
Mr Smythe of Wotton xj quarters. 11
William Gibbarde. ij quarters. 2
Rychard Gibbarde i quarter dimidium. 1.½
Mr Anthonie Nashe att George Roases
howse malte. vij quarters 7
:pease iij quarters 3
att Tubbes of one Walter
Smythes. i quarter &
of William Yockesalles. i quarter 2
att Thomas Wylkensons of Mr
Anthony Nashes. x strickes. 1 2 strikes
of Mr Myddlemores iii quarters 3
Smythe of Rychard Astons. i quarter dimidium. 1½
of Rychard Smythes of Rowington
i quarter halfe. 1½
Att S Mr Sturleys.
Sir Thomas Lucie. xij quarters dimidium.
of Mr Anthony Nashes. viij quarters dimidium.
of Mr Rychard Wyllyes. iij quarters
Att Rafe Lordes of Sir Ihon
Conwayes vij quarters dimidium.
[Henley Street ward]
att Ihon Wheelers of Mr Cowrtes
of Oulborrowghe x strikes
of George Bartons. iij quarters
att Ihon Wyllmers of Ihon Sir ffowlke
Grevyles Cooke. xij quarters
att William Greens of Mr Barnes
of Clyfforde. ix quarters
Att Robert Brookes. of one Ihon
Coxe hys. viij quarters
of William Coxe his. xj strikes
of another mans iij quarters dimidium.
Bridg street
Att Arter Cawdreys of Iohn
Moores of Ipseley iiij quarters
of widdowe Bunnes. ii quarters.
Att Mr Henry Wyllsons of Mr
Chyldes. ix quarters:
Att Mr Cawdreys Iunior of Mr
Anthonye Shrimptons. v quarters
of ffrauncys Pallmers of Ladbrocke
parke v quarters.
Att Mrs Anne Nashes vidua.
of hyr sonn Humfrey Nashes. viij quarters
Robert Wyllson senior att Robert
Butlers. iij quarters