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Document-specific information
Date: February 1611
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/10/9, fol. 1-8
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[fol. 5]
indifferent rate according to euerie mans severall and
respective parte and porcion in the same And this
defendaunt as for such that it is true that he
holdeth and enioyeth for diuerse yeares yet to Come
as Executor to Thomas Combe Esquier this
defendantes father Late deceassed and vnder the
Title of the said Sir Iohn Hubaud deceassed
as he thinketh taketh it the moitie or one halfe of the tythe
of Corne and graine arrisang within the towne
Villages and ffeildes of olde Stratford Bishopton
and Welcombe in the Bill mencioned And the
moytie or one halfe of all the tythes of wooll
and Lambe and small and privie Tithes arising
within the parrish of Stretford aforesaid in the
said parrish of St Countie of Warwicke