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Document-specific information
Title: Borough of Stratford-upon-Avon Miscellaneous documents, Vol. 7
Date: May 4, 1561
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/7/56
View online bibliographic record
peyne that no tenaunt have ^ or suffur to be made vppon hys or ther soylles in the stretes eny mukhyll but only thos that ar appwyntyd by thordor of the iij men
Sub pena vjs viijd
peyne that no person nor ther family ley from hensfurthe eny muke furthe of ther oune housses in the stretes but vppon the commen mukhylles Sub pena iijs iiijd tociens quociens
peyne that euery commen bruar befor they twne furthe ther aell do send for the tasters to a say therof vnder peyne xxs
peyne that no bruar havynge horsmyll of his owne do grynd eny other mens malt but only his oune malt vnder peyne xls tociens quociens
peyne that no persone revyell eny offecer Sub pena xxs
peyne that no tenant receve eny ynmake without Specyell lysaunce of mr belyf & thalderman or on of them vnder peyne xxs
peyne that euery tenant now havynge eny Inmake do put them away within xiiij days next after this court vnder peyne xxs
peyne that non receve & kep in ther housses eny [s]traunger woman beynge with chyld ther to be brought to bed of chyld peyne xxs
peyne that euery tenant kep cleane ther gutteres & dyches as well in the stretes as in dedlone vnder peyne vjs viijd
peyne that no person havynge goynge fedynge & pasturynge in the bancroft eny shyp not ouer & above iij owres in a day vnder peyne vjs viijd
peyne that Richard charnoke of welcum do let make & set vp a yat on the bake syd of the curryares hous in gylpyttes within iij wyx next after this court vnder peyne vjs viijd
peyne that no tenaunt suffer to go at lardge on moseled ther ban doges nor bytchys beynge in saw sawt vnder peyne vjs viijd
peyne that euery tenant in swynstret & ded lane do scour ther dyches & gutteres over & agenynst ther Soylles befor holy thursday & so from thensfurth
to kep them cleane from tyme to tyme under peyne vjs viijd
peyne that no ynhabytaunt from hensfurth have eny shyp goynge fedynge or pasturynge ijnbancroft not ouer & above ij oures vnder peyne vjs viijd
tociens quociens
ffur' Henry bydyll
lews ap willm Iur
Wm mynske
Iohn shakspeyr
[Four marks applied]
[Note at foot, dated by the Clerk May 5th, probably acting as an endorsement when it was stored as a roll. ]
[Anno tercio Elizabethe
regine quinto die Maij]