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Document-specific information
Title: Borough of Stratford-upon-Avon Miscellaneous documents, Vol. 7
Date: May 4, 1561
Repository: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: BRU15/7/56
View online bibliographic record
The Court ther holdon quarto die Maij Anno domine
regine tercio &c.
Commen fynez
mercia William trout iij s iiij d chrystouer smythe iij s iiij d Thomas dycson xij d william flecher viij d thomas dedge iiij d artor boys xvj d thomas rychardsone ij s Robert archard iiij d
mawd harbadge vidua iijs iiijd Iohn granam xx d arter newell Iohn Samson iij s iiij d george banester vj d Roger banester vj d Iohn Wyrral iiij d Humfrey ranoldes xij d william hyll viij d
for syllynge aell & havynge & kepynge gamynge contrary to thorder of the court they stand amerced
mercia mr bely that now ys Roger sadler iij s iiij d Richard Aunge xx d Iohn Aunge ij d Iohn Cartwryght xij d Commen bacares & for brekynge thassyez they stand amerced &c.
mercia Anthony bocher iiij d for Syllynge messell porke he Standes amerced
mercia Roger grene iiij d for syllynge candylles lakynge wyght he standes a merced
mercia Robert mylles xij d & mr whatley iiij d for not sending for the tasters befor they tunyed furthe the aell they stand amerced
mercia Robert perot vj s viij d for makynge & syllynge vn wholsum aell he standes a merced
mercia Roger grene viij d for makynge vn wholsum aell he standes amerced
mercia Iohn Icheuer ij s for makynge afray vppon brodshaw the Curryer he standes amerced
mercia Thomas dycson viij d for makynge a fray vppon Richard hys brother he standes amerced
mercia Iohn lane xij d for makynge afray vppon tybbyns of Langley he standes a merced
mercia Thomas dycson vj d for makynge a fray vppon Edward walford he standes amerced
mercia Iohn Grannam xx d for makynge a fray & drawynge blood vppon Thomas beytes he standes a merced
mercia Thomas beytes xx d for makynge a fray & drawynge blood vppon a straunge man of byrmycham he standes a merced
mercia thomas knight the younger xx d for makynge a fray & drawynge blood vppon a straunger in edmund barrettes hous he standes amerced
mercia master bely xii d gylbart bradley xii d William smythe habardasshar xii d William perrot xii d William Hyll xii d William brookes xij d Richard lane xij d for havynge & Suffrynge mukhylles
befor ther Soylles they standes a merced
mercia William rausson xij d gryffyn ap Robert chrystouer smythe xij d humfrey plymley xij d for leyenge muke at Richard lane barne doore in swyn stret they stand amerced
mercia Richard Wagstaf xij d Robert mylles xij d Richard Sponer xij d Edward younge xij d Iohn bell xij d for leyenge muke at tyncar land end next to the chappell they stand amerced
mercia byllentone Iohn Stanley for leyeng muk at Bradleys mukhyll they stand amerced
mercia Richard court xij d for leyenge muke at William Whoodes barne in henley stret he standes amerced
mercia Robert mylles xij d & Robert salesberry xij d for gryndynge other mens malt & they beynge commen bruares they stand amerced
mercia steven the thatchar xii d iiijd for havynge & sufferynge yn makes in hys hous he standes a merced
mercia Robert Salesberry xx d Thomas hunt viij d chrystouer smyth viij d Iohn bell vj d iiij d for havynge ther shyp fedynge in the bancroft they stand amerced
mercia Richard charnoke xx d for not makynge a yat on the bac syed of coryares hous he standes amerced
mercia Thomas dycson xij d mr smythe xii ij s Humfrey plymley xij d chrystouer smythe xij d William Whatley iiij d Iohn bell xij d Thomas rogeres xij d Iohn Wheler xij d
Iohn bell for havynge their ban dogges un moseyled & bytches in sawt thei stand amerced
mercia Iohn Sadler mylner xvj d for wynnowynge his peys in ded lone & leavynge the chaf in the lone & bryngynge his swine into the
Same lane & not Scowrynge the dyche ther he standes amerced
peyne that euery tenaunt havynge men chyldren beyng xij yeres of age & vpward & not sworone
that ther parent or masteres do present the person of euery suche manchyld at the next let sub pena vjs viijd
mercia Thomas rychardson William Slo
peyne that euery bruar bringing aell to syl shall syll from hensfurthe new aell vnder the hersyve for ijd ob vnder the hersyve xiij galons y galo to the dossen good & wholsum
clere & Staell for iijd ij galons Small aell for a penny Sub pene xls for euery defalt
peyne that euery bacar that shall bake bred to Syll shall syll ij loves for a penny j lof for ijd & that they kep thassyez & bultyd with a lauffal
mercia Iohn Henshaw for Richard lane, mr belyf gilbert Bradley William Smythe whod William peret
William hyll William brookes for having mukhylles contrary to thordor
of the Court they are amerced
mercia peyne thomas caell iiij d for settynge hys cart in the Stret contrary to thorder of the Court
he standes amerced
Provyded always that yt yt shall & may be lauffull at all tyme hearafter for mr belyf & mr alderman at eny tyme hearafter as he
shall se Cawse as the price of malt shall ryez & fall to let Call xij men & to Seas the
priseys of aell at ther dyscressyones
peyne & that Thomas hunt of Studley do suffycyently make hys mound betwene hys ground in roder stret
& the quenez ground now in the tenure of Henry bedell beforwytsonday Sub pena vjs viijd
peyne that no ynhabytant within the burro of stratford have or suffur eny vnlauffull gamnynge in hys or ther housses contrary to the statute
provyded for the Same Sub pena xxs