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Document-specific information
Creator: Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon
Title: Parish Register, Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon
Date: 1558-1776
Repository: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Call number and opening: DR243/1: Burial register, fol. 46r
View online bibliographic record
1 An Infant of Zache Tandy
2 Alice wife of Zache Tandy
3 Katheren wife of Raph Burnill
5 Joanne wife of Will Tasker
9 Joyce daughter of Ric[hard] Aynger
9 Marg[a]ret daughter of Francis Brayne
15 Marg[a]ret Wheelar & her Child.
3 Thomas Dixson
5 Marg[a]ret daughter of John James
9 Two twins of Rich Burman
15 Will Parie gentleman
16 A Infant of Thomas Woodward
17 Will Hartt Hatter X
21 Elizabeth daughter of Will Bramich
23 An[n]e Cocks Widow
24 Richard Pynder
25 Will Shakespeare gentleman X
9 Marg[a]ret daughter of Robert Hadges Stranger
11 Two twins of Will Smyth merchant
23 Thomas Bramley of Drayton
25 Thomas Bradshew Shoemaker
1 Al[i]ce Hearinge widow
7 An[n]e Lock widow
14 Elizabeth Twininge
18 Al[i]ce fillia Roger Mvllenexs
21 A Infant of Robert Ward
26 Roger Mvllenexs
26 Thomas son of Henry Pratt
30 Thomas son of Tho[mas] Lemster
6 William Trowt butcher
22 William Jones
22 Thomas son of Tho[mas] Jackman
26 Humphrey Allin of old Stratford
28 John son of John Green gentleman
28 Steven son of Edward Perks of Shott[e]ry
28 Katheren duaghter of John Smyth
An[n[e wife of Edward Perks of Shott[e]ry
[Transcription from Richard Savage, The Registers of Stratford-on-Avon, vol. 3, 89-90.]
[fol. 46r]
[1]616 1 A Infant of Zache Tandy. 46
march 2 Alis vxor Zache Tandy
5 Kathren vxor Raph Burnill
5 Ioane vxor Will. Tasker
9 Ioyce filia Rich. Aynger
9 Margret fillia ffrancis Brayne.
15 Margret Wheelar & her Child.
3 Thomas Dixson
5 Margret fillia Iohn Iames
9 Tow twines of Rich. Burman.
15 Will Parie gent
16 A Infant of Tho. Woodward
17 Will Hartt hatter
21 Elizabeth fillia will bramich
23 Ane Cocks, widow
24 Richard Pynder
25 Will Shakspeare gent
9 Margret fillia Robert Hadges stranger
11 tow twines of Will Smyth mercer
23 Thomas Bramley de Drayton
25 Thomas Bradshew Shewmaker
[Iu]ne 1 Alce Hearinge, widow
7 Ane Lock, widow
14 Elizabeth Twininge
18 Alce fillia Roger Mvllenexs
21 A Infant of Robert Ward
26 Roger Mvllenexs
26 Thomas fillius Henery Pratt
30 Thomas fillius Tho Lemster
[Iu]lly 6 William Trowt butcher
22 William Iones
22 Thomas fillius Tho: Iackmane
26 Humphrey Allin de old Stratford
28 Iohn fillius Iohn Green gent
28 Steven fillius Edward Perks de Shottry
28 Katheren fillia Iohn Smyth
Ane vxor Edward Perks de Shottry