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Document-specific information
Creator: Richard James
Title: (Gr. xxxv.) " THE LEGEND and defence of ye Noble Knight and Martyr Sr John Oldcastel. Sett forth by Richard James, Bachelour of Divinitie and Fellow of C[orpus] C[hristi] C[ollege] in Oxford " (ob. 1638). Consisting of a transcript of Thomas Occleve
Date: 1624-36
Repository: The British Library, London, UK
Call number and opening: Add. MS 33785, fol. 2r-v
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[fol. 2v]
of abusing Sir John Fastalf a man not inferior of vertue, though not so famous in piety as the other, who gave witness unto the truth of our reformation with a constant and resolute Martyrdom, unto which he was pursued by the Priests, Bishops, Monks, and Friars of those days. Noble Sir, this is all my preface. God keep you, and me and all Christian people, from the bloody designs of that cruel Religion.
Yours in all observance,
Richard James
[fol. 2v]
of abusing Sir Ihon Fastolphe a man not inferior of Ver-
-tue, though not so famous in pietie as the other, who
gave witnesse unto the truth of our reformation with
a constant and resolute Martyrdom, unto which he was
pursued by the Priests, Bishops, Moncks, and Friers of
those days. Noble Sir, this is all my preface. God keep
you, and me and all Christian people, from the bloody
designes of that cruell Religion.
Yours in all observance
Rich. James