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Document-specific information
Creator: Nicholas Burghe
Title: "Mr. Ben Johnson and Mr. Wm. Shakespeare, being merrye att a Tavern, Mr. Jonson haveing begune this for his epitaph Here lies" etc. it was finished by Shakespeare.
Date: ca. 1650
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS Ashmole 38, p. 181
181 Mr Beniamin Iohnson and Mr William: Shake-speare
Being Merrye att a Tauern, Mr Jonson hauing
17 340 begune this for his Epitaph
87 Here lies Ben Iohnson that was once one
he giues ytt to Mr Shakspear to make vpp woh who presently wrightes
Who while hee liv’de was a sloethings
And now being dead is Nothinge
341 In Saint: Margottes att westminster vppon
on Iohn Flower
Here lies Iohn Flower vnder his stone
who serued god while hee was here, and now to him is gone
88 A Gentleman, and A Head Borrough a good man In his House
who Maried was to Diuers wifes, & was to each of them a kind spouse
In the yeare of our lord: god 1567 being whitson mundaye
342a On Mr Georg Heyward father to Sir
Rowland Heyward, lord: Maior of london
Interred here George Heyward is and Margarett his wyfe
89 God blessed them with Children six, they led a vertuous life
Sonns to, and Daughters forever, by name Gilbert & Sir Rowland
A knight his Mothers Happie birth, yff Iustly all weare s..nd
Alice, Katharine, Elianor, and Ann; In June hee dide
The yeares of Christ the figurs show 1597, In tyme what widnotstide
Although, hee was full 4 score yeares &, his wife allso
In the yeare of our lord 1597 of her owne age 97 from vs to god did goe
342b vppon Iudge Owen, and Iudge Richarson
bothe buried in westerminster neare on
a nother
90 Here Lies Iudge Owen that never tooke bribe
Here lies Iudge Richardson, that neuer denied
finis; Ignoto
343 On Sir Robert Dudley Earle of Warwicke
and Leicester
91 Here lies the souldier that neuer drewe his sword
Here lies that Courtier that neuer kept his word:
vppon a gentlewoman whose Husbandes load
344 to her brooke hir harte
92 Thes lines which goulden letters I haue filde
Here lies that wyfe ; whose Husbandes kindnes kyld
345 on a beggerly Gentellman
93 Here lies a man, A gentleman of note
who all his life tyme ner’ Could change a groate
346 vppon on of the Mayds of Honor to
Queen Elizabeth
94 Here lies, the lord haue Mercie vppon her:
on of hir majesties mayds of Honor
she was younge slender and prettye
and died a Mayde, mor’s the pittye
seyd Hoskins