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Document-specific information
Creator: [Samuel Radcliffe?]
Title: A common place book
Date: ca. 1622-1625
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS. Eng. misc. d.28, pp. 355, 359 & 375
[col. 697]
Ribald. This was at the first Rabod
as yet in the Nertherlands it is asea, where
hence both (we and the french) hauing taken
the name haue sence that varyed it both
in . . graphy and sence. It was the proper
name of Rabod a heathen King of ffreis
land, who being instructed in the faith
of christ by the godly Bishop vltran faithfully
promised to be baptized, and appointed
the time and place, where being come
and standing in the water, he asked of the
Bishop where all his forefathers were that in
former ages were deceased? the Bishop answer=
ed, that dying without the true know=
ledge of God &c they werein hell: then the
Rabod I hold it better and more praise-
worthy to go with the greater multitude
to hell, then with your few Christians to
heauen; and therewithall he went out of
the water unchristned; and returned both
to his wonted idolatry and to his euill life
notwithstanding the good admonitions of the
Bishop and an euident miracle which (through
the power of god) the said Bishop wrought. He
was afterward surprised with a sodaine and
unprovided death anno 720 and his very
name became so odius through, his wicked
nesse, that it grew to be a tale of reproch
and shame and hath so continued euer since
so do the Papists perswade that our ancestors relli=
gion is the truest
D[?]rabb in the old Teutonic language is the
lees filth and dreges remaining in the bot-
tome of vesells.
the tongues of dying men Inforce attention
like deep harmony where words are scarce
they are seldome spent in vaine for they
breath truth that breath their words in
vaine. He that no more must say, is listened more
then they whom youth and ease hath taught
to gloze, more are mens ends markt then
their liues before. The setting sunne and musick
at the close. As the last tast of sweets is
sweetest last writ in remembrance more
then things long past. vff, vsbhfekz
bg 3.di5se vif tfdpoe. cz Tiblftgt
bsf 4o. page 68
morientis hominis loquela vinsinua
supplant the first Rebells their roughheaded
cernes which liue like venome where no
venome else But only they haue priuiledge
to liue.
[col. 698]
each substance of a griefe hath twenty
shoedowes, which shew like greife it self, but
are not so: For sorrowes eyes glazed with
bleeding tears Deuide one thing entire to
many obiects.
great men imitate / unskillfull statuaries who
suppose In forging a Colos.. if they make him
stroddle enough, stroote, and look big and gape
their work is goodly, so our tympanous statists
(In their affected grauity of voice, sowerness of
countenace, manners cruelty, Authority, wealth,
and all the spawne of fortune) think they
beare all the kingdomes worth before them yet
differ not from their Colosick statues which
with heroique formes without orespread within
are nou[h]t but mortar flint and lead
man is a torch borne in the wind; a dreame
But of a shadow summ’d with all his substance
as great seamen using all their powers and
skills in the Neptunes deep invisible paths in tall
ships richly built and ribd with brasse. To put
a girdle round about the world, when they
haue done it, comming neere their Hauen Are
glad to give a warning peece, and call A poore
staid fisherman that neuer past His countryes
sight to waft and guide them in: So when we
wander farthest through the waues of glassy
glory and the gulfes of state Topt with all
titles, spreading all our reaches As if each priuate
arme would spheare the world We must to vertue
for her guide resort, Or we shall shipwrack in
our safest port DWttz Eo BNCpRt CZ
H: DIB Gnbo: 4o page 70
god…... is that true guide
There is no second place in Numerous state
that hold more then a Cypher: In a King
All places are containd. his words and looks
Are like that flashes and the bolts of Ioue:
His deeds inimitable like the Sea
that shuts still as it opes, and leaves no tractes
Nor prints of president for poor mens factes
The French Court is a meere mirrour of confusion
the King and Subiect, Lord and euery slaue
Dance a continuall hay
that (like a Lawrell put in fire
sparkled, and spit, did much much more than scorne
that his wrong should incense him so like chaffe
To go so soone out; and like lighted paper
Approoue his spirit at once both fire and ashes