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Document-specific information
Creator: Edward Pudsey
Title: Edward Pudsey's Commonplace book [portions]
Date: ca. 1600-1615
Repository: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Call number and opening: MS. Eng. poet. d. 3, fols. 41, 86v
PLays Loues metamorphosis Lilly & Alexander & campasbe his
Titus Andronicus Romeo & Iuliet
"The next blowe hittes the tale out of his mowth : her eys sunke so farre into
“her head that she looketh out of the nape of her neck: where continu=
all warre that betweene loue & vertue there must bee some parlies
& continuall perilles. Cupid was neuer conquered & therefore must bee
flattered, virginity hath & therefore must bee humble The Causes
of loue witt & Idlenes, the meanes oportunity & Importunitye
ffor an other to put thoughtes into my head were to pull the brains out of my head
Poets make their wreathes of lawrell adyes of sunndry flowers.
A Merchant who knowes no other good then gold unles it bee falseye
wearing by a god to get golde.
my thoughtes are bound prentises to your wordes &c.
& Campasbe
A quipp ys a short saying of a sharp witt with a bitter sence in a sweet worde
Let her past. Response. so she shall for the fayrest in death.
“So light a body harth eaten nothing this seunnight but Cork & ffeatheres
“vsuall excuses the swearing Cometh of a whot mettle lying of a
“quick witt: fflattery of a flowing toung: vndecent talk of a mery disposicion /.
To be beleeved whet your toung on your hart.
“down with arms & vp with &c.
Titus Andronicus .
Yf thou wilt draw neuer the nature of the godes, bee mercifull &c.
“Shall flyle & trim our devises
“had I but seene thy picture in this plight, yt wold &c.
Romeo & Iuliet
ffeather of lead, bright smoake cold fyer, sicke health, still waking sleep &c.
“If I see one passing fair, yt is to mee but as a note wher I read
“who past that passing faire.
Tut man one fyre burnes out anotheres burninge one paine ys less=
ened by anotheres anguish, turne giddy & be holy by backwarde
turninge: Take you som new infection to thy eye & the rank poson of the old will dye.
I care not what curious eye doth cote deformityes.
"when good manneres shall lye all in one or 2 mens handes & they
"vnwasht too, tis a foule thinge. the whyte vpturned wondring eys
O she doth teach the torches to burne bright she hanges vppon the cheek
of night lyke a ruh Iewell in an Ethiops eare: Two of the fayrest starres
in all the heauen hauing som buesines do intreat her eys to twinke in
their spheeres till they returne. my eares haue not yet dronk a 100 wordes
of that tounges vtterance, yet I shold know it
Loue goes toward Loue as schoole boyes from thier bookes
but Loue from Loue towards schoole with heauvy Lookes