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Document-specific information
Creator: William Dethick, Garter King of Arms, and William Camden, Clarenceaux King of Arms
Title: Garter and Clarenceaux's reply to the York Herald, including the Shakespeare coat of arms in trick
Date: 1602
Repository: College of Arms, London, UK
Call number and opening: Record MS WZ fols. 276-277
The answer of Garter and Clarenceux Kings of Arms to a Libelous Scroll against certain arms supposed to be wrongfully given
Right Honorable. The exceptions taken in the Scroll of Arms exhibited do concern these arms granted or the persons to whom they have been granted. In both, Right Honorable, We hope to satisfy your Lordships in particular if with your favorable leave we may present to your honorable and grave considerations the ancient & manifold authorities granted by the famous Princes of this Realm unto our predecessors. As in the reigns of King Henry 5th and Henry 6th unto William Bridges, knight, then Garter, who gave sundry blazons of Arms, and in the time of king Edward 4th to Sir John Wriothesley, Garter, and also King Henry 7th and king Henry 8th to other Garters, as Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Sir Christopher Barker and Sir Gilbert Dethick, and to all such as had the office of Clarenceux in their times as most plainly may appear under the seals of those famous Princes' authority to give Arms, as well to persons spiritual preferred to places of degrees of honor and worship, by grace, vertue, and learning, as to persons temporal for their service done to the King's Majesty and such as have been advanced to offices of dignity or increased in riches and possessions able to maintain the same.
Whereby may be proved what persons are capable of Arms. And that the granting, exemplifying and testimonials for Arms are to us ex antigua consuetudine. Wherefore relying upon such and other precedents and the Queen's Majesty's great seal of England we do conceive some grief, that exception should be taken against us for some few Arms more than against others that have given two or three thousand. And that we should not use the liberty like as in time of our Predecessors hath been used. Whereas, in these times under her Majesty's happy government hath and doth daily (in lieu of many extinct) breed diverse worthy persons qualified to bear Arms as well as in former ages, from whence no doubt great persons shall in succeeding times arise who will and must deduce their original and descents from the memorials of the places and services which their Parents held in the time of her Majesty's reign for it is said Qui nunc Novi, videntur erunt vetustissimi. /
Norton: [image of Norton coat of arms in left margin]
Mortimer: [image of Mortimer coat of arms in right margin]
This coat is not deduced from the Arms of Mortimer, earl of March but is different both in color, number of bars, and the cantons gyrons. And yet in the times when those Mortimers flourished most both Edesin and Hagely bear then coats of Arms nearer in show to that of Mortimer without any contradiction. Neither was their any exception taken in those ages when the Honor of Arms flourished most, for the resemblance of Coats of Arms. But for the Identity of Arms, or the self same Arms to be borne by two of distinct names and families. As in the memorable controversies between Carminow and Grosvenor; Sir Theobald de Gorges and Warbleton; Sitfilt and Fakenham; Singleton and Baud. And yet this Patent hath long since been recalled and cancelled with the parties consent.
The answere of Garter & Clarenciaux
Kinges of Armes to a Libellous Scrowle against
certein Arms supposed to be wrongfully given
Right Honorable. The exceptions taken in the Scrowle of Armes exhibited
doe concerne these Armes granted or the persons to whome they haue bin granted.
In both right Honorable Wee hope to satisfie your Lordships in perticuler yf with your fauorable
leaue wee may present to your Honorable and graue considerations. The auncyent
& manifold authorites granted by the famous Princes of this Realme vnto our
Predecessors. As in the Reignes of king Henry 5th and Henry 6th vnto
William Bridges knight then Garter. who gaue sundrie blasons of Armes
And in the time of king Ew 4th to Sir John Wriothesley Garter, and also
king Henry 7th and king Henry 8th to other Garters, as Sir Thomas
Wriothesley Sir Christopher Barker and Sir Gilbert dethick
And to all such as had the office of Clarenciaux in their times as most
plainely may appeare vnder the seales of those famous Princes authorite
to giue Armes, aswell to parsons spirituall preferred to places of degrees
of honor and worshippe, by grace, vertue, & learninge. As to persons temporall for
their seruice done to the kinges Maiestie and such as haue bin aduanced to Offices
of dignitie or increased in riches & possessions able to maintaine the same
Whereby may be proued what persons are capable of Armes. And that the
granting, exemplifieng and testimonialles for Armes are to vs ex antigua
conseuetudine. Wherefore relieing vppon such and other presidentes and the
Queenes Maiesties great seale of England wee doe conceaue some greife, that
exception should be taken against vs for some fewe ^Armes more then against
others that haue giuen two or three thowsandes. And that we should not vse the
libertie like as in time of our Predecessors hath bin vsed. Whereas, in these
times vnder her Maiesties happie gouer[n]ment hath and doth daily (in lieu of many
extinct) breed diuers worthy persons qualified to beare Armes aswell
as in former ages ffrom whence no doubt great persons shall in succe=
ding times arise. who will and must deduce their originall and descentes from
the memorialls of the places and seruices which their Parentes held in the time
of her Maiesties Raigne for it is said Qui nunc Noui, videntur erunt
vetustissimi. /
Norton: [Norton coat of arms in left margin]
Mortimer: [Mortimer coat of arms in right margin]
This coate is not deduced from the Armes of Mortimer Erle
of Marche but is different both in coulour number of Barrs & the Cantonnes
gironnes. And yet in the times when those Mortimers florished most both Edesin and
Hagely bare then coates of Armes neerer in shew to that of
Mortimer without any contradiction. Neither was their any
exception taken in those ages. When the Honor of Armes
florished most. for the resemblance of Coates of Armes. But
for the Indentity of Armes, or the selfe same Armes to be borneof by two of distinct names and families. As in the memorable
controuersies betweene Carminow. and. Grasvenor. Sir The=
obald de Gorges, and Warbleton, Sitfilit, and Fakenham,
Singleton and Baud. And yet this Patent hath long since
bin recalled and cancelled with the parties consent.
[catchword] There is no more